web3 takes out all completed orders from redux and renders them into the corresponding Table list

The above web3 React dapp project gets canceled and completed and all order data from the blockchain through events and stores them in redux. In we have got our order from the block Then we restore the above environment ganache ganache -d Then log in to MetaMask Then use our project to publish the contract […]

The web3 React dapp project gets canceled and completed and all order data from the blockchain through events and stores them in redux.

Okay, above, web3 uses antd to build the basic structure of the order component in the React dapp. We have demonstrated a basic order component. Then let’s continue and start with the environment. ganache terminal run ganache -d MetaMask Log in Then open the project and publish the contract truffle migrate –reset Then run the […]

Secure voting system based on blockchain and threshold password (Python+Django+Node+web3+SQLite3)

Table of contents Summary I Abstract I Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background and significance of the topic 1 1.2 Research status at home and abroad 3 1.3 Contents of this article 8 1.4 Structural arrangement 10 Chapter 2 Related Knowledge and Technology 11 2.1 Blockchain related knowledge 11 2.1.1 Blockchain 11 2.1.2 Ethereum […]

Blockchain development using Golang Web3 library

Introduction Blockchain, as a distributed ledger technology, has achieved tremendous development in recent years. Golang, as an efficient and highly concurrency programming language, is widely used in blockchain development. In Golang, we can use the Web3 library to interact with Ethereum or other blockchain networks. The Web3 library is a library of tools for interacting […]

Solve Not possible to connect to the Web3 provider. Make sure the provider is running and a connection

Table of Contents Solve the problem of “Not possible to connect to the Web3 provider. Make sure the provider is running and a connection” Problem identification solution Sample code: Connecting to a Web3 provider in conclusion Solve”Not possible to connect to the Web3 provider. Make sure the provider is running and a connection” problem When […]

Solve Error: Cannot find module web3

Table of Contents Solve Error: Cannot find module ‘web3’ Method 1: Install web3 module Method 2: Check Node.js version Method 3: Check dependencies Method 4: Clear cache and reinstall dependencies Sample code Introduction to web3 module Solving Error: Cannot find module ‘web3’ When using Node.js to build Ethereum applications, the web3.js library is often used. […]

6.DApp-Using Web3 to realize the interaction between the front end and smart contracts

Title Use Web3 to realize the interaction between the front end and smart contracts. The following is the operation process and code. Prepare the ganache environment Article address: 4. How to connect DApp-MetaMask to local Ganache-CSDN blog Prepare smart contracts Article address: 2.DApp-Writing and running solidity smart contracts-CSDN blog Write index.html file Name Contract Demo […]

WEB3 creates a React front-end Dapp environment and integrates the solidity project, integrating the project structure to facilitate the front-end to get the contract Abi

Okay, everyone, after what we have said above, WEB3 solidity takes you to write test code to operate orders, create/cancel/fill operations, we wrote a script to test the order business. Unexpectedly, it ran quite well. So starting today, we can start operating an operation of our front-end Dapp. In the whole process, there is indeed […]