Python uses SQLAlchemy to operate sqlite

Python uses SQLAlchemy to operate sqlite sqllite 1. Introduction to SQLite 2. Install SQLite on Windows 3. Create a database using SQLite 3.1 Create database from command line 3.2 navicat connects to the database 4.SQLite data types storage class SQLite Affinity type Boolean data type Date and Time data types 5. Commonly used sql syntax […]

c# Import excel into sqlite

nuget needs to be loaded EPPlus.Core ExcelDataReader ExcelDataReader.DataSet //Extensions that need to be quoted using ExcelDataReader; using ExcelPackage = OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage; public static void CreateZhouPianChaTable() {<!– –> string tbname = “zhou_pian_cha1”; //Determine whether the table exists bool isExist = TableIsExist(tbname); if (!isExist) {<!– –> SQLiteConnection db = ConnectToDatabase(SqLite1); _sql = $”create table {<!– –>tbname} (ID integer […]

[Notes] Ruoyi: Use sqlite3 to do whatever you want

“Ruoyi” is an open source project that I feel is standard among outsourcing companies and is used by all of them. The README feels like a little tidbit by an Alibaba employee after work. For SprintBoot, I personally feel that it is too heavy-duty, but people have developed an ecology, so it is not so […]

Secure voting system based on blockchain and threshold password (Python+Django+Node+web3+SQLite3)

Table of contents Summary I Abstract I Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background and significance of the topic 1 1.2 Research status at home and abroad 3 1.3 Contents of this article 8 1.4 Structural arrangement 10 Chapter 2 Related Knowledge and Technology 11 2.1 Blockchain related knowledge 11 2.1.1 Blockchain 11 2.1.2 Ethereum […]

Sqlite database file update mechanism

1. Principle of database file update 1. By setting preferences, the database file version is stored in the form of KV on the client //Set database version Preferences.Set(“DBVersion”,1); //Read the database version, return 0 on failure Preferences.Get(“DBVersion”,0); 2. Compare database version numbers and execute corresponding update logic 3. KV description Key Value Description DBVersion 0 […]

Maui Blazor integrates Sqlite

1. Install Sqlite NuGet, browse, search and install sqlite-net-pcl sqlite-net-pcl 2. Add Models Specify primary key, auto-increment PoetryModel.cs using SQLite; namespace MauiApp1.Models; public class PoetryModel { [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement] public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Content { get; set; } } 3. Add Services Add interface […]

How to use node to operate sqlite

What is sqlit SQLite is a lightweight embedded relational database management system that exists in the form of a library and can be embedded into applications. It uses a simple, file-based database format and does not require a separate server process, making it ideal for use in resource-limited environments. Advantages of SQLite Simple and easy […]

[HarekazeCTF2019]Sqlite Voting 1

1. Entering this question, looking at the source code is directly related to big filtering. I don’t know how to do it anyway, so I just looked at wp to learn: <?php error_reporting(0); if (isset($_GET[‘source’])) {<!– –> show_source(__FILE__); exit(); } function is_valid($str) {<!– –> $banword = [ // dangerous chars // ” % ‘ * […]

uni-app integration uses SQLite

1. Open SQLite in uni-app 2. Encapsulating sqlite.js module.exports = { dbName: ‘chat’, // database name dbPath: ‘_doc/chat.db’, // Database address, it is recommended to start with an underscore _doc/xxx.db \t /** * @Description: Create a database or open the database if it exists * @author: ZXL * @createTime: 2023-10-12 09:23:10 * @Copyright by Lanchuang […]