A brief analysis of Android View touch feedback principle

Rewrite OnTouchEvent() and write the touch algorithm inside the method Return true, indicating that the event is consumed, all touch feedback is no longer effective, and event ownership is returned if (event.actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){ performClick()//Lift the event to execute performClick to trigger the click } override fun onTouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { //event touch event } […]

Experiment 9 Feedforward Neural Network (5)

Experimental task: Complete iris classification based on feedforward neural network 1 Mini-batch gradient descent method Mini-batch gradient descent means toreduce thecomputational complexity of each iteration, at each iteration Only collect a small number of samples, calculate the gradient of the loss function on this set of samples and update the parameters. In the above figure, […]

Binary classification task based on feedforward neural network

Experimental task: binary classification task based on feedforward neural network 1Dataset construction Import the make_moons function in the nndl package to create a data set, randomly generate 1000 samples (n_samples), shuffle all the data (shuffle=True), and consider whether to add noise (noise) to the data set. Divide 1000 samples into training set, validation set and […]

openpnp – modify source code – SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard

Article directory openpnp-src modify-SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard Overview notes Remark END openpnp – src modify – SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard Overview When assigning components to SlotSchultzFeeder, I found that the Part names generated in the coordinate file were spelled together and the names were very long. When selecting from the feeder component drop-down list, I don’t feel confident because I can’t […]

openpnp – SlotSchultzFeeder source code bugfix

Article directory openpnp – SlotSchultzFeeder source code bugfix Overview notes openpnp source code debugging environment Troubleshooting ideas Open a git branch Issues found – 1 Issues found – 2 Issues found – 3 Logical corrections to address the above issues D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\wizards\GcodeDriverConsole.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\GcodeDriver.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\GcodeAsyncDriver.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\feeder\wizards\SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\GcodeDriver.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\Main.java Remark END openpnp – SlotSchultzFeeder source code bugfix Overview […]

Linux process management, the life of a process (feeding-level teaching)

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/mdeditor/css/editerView/kdoc_html_views-1a98987dfd.css”> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/mdeditor/css/editerView/ck_htmledit_views-dc4a025e85.css”> <div id=”content_views” class=”htmledit_views”> <blockquote> This article talks about process management in Linux. It’s been a crazy week, it’s not easy to create, I hope you support me! I hope to be helpful! Remember to collect it! To understand process management, it is important to know the surrounding issues and […]

Solving ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1, 10, 4) for Tensor Placeholder:0 , which has shape

Table of Contents Solving ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1, 10, 4) for Tensor Placeholder:0 , which has shape Problem background Solution steps 1. Check the shape of your data 2. Adjust the shape of the data 3. Check the model definition 4. Rerun the program Summarize Sample code Introduction to Placeholder tensor Solve […]

How to feed dogs using STM32 (IWDG)

STM32F1 independent watchdog (hereinafter referred to as IWDG). STM32F1 comes with two internal watchdogs, one is the independent watchdog IWDG, and the other is the window watchdog WWDG. This chapter only introduces the independent watchdog IWDG, and the window watchdog WWDG will be introduced in subsequent chapters. The functions to be implemented in this chapter […]

Bayesian optimization of data mining – parameters of forward feedback features, estimating the best values of features

Bayesian optimization is a global optimization method used to optimize black-box functions with noise. This approach has applications in many real-world problems, especially those where evaluating the objective function is expensive, such as hyperparameter tuning. Background: Why is Bayesian optimization needed? In data mining, machine learning, and deep learning, it is often necessary to adjust […]