A brief analysis of Android View touch feedback principle

Rewrite OnTouchEvent() and write the touch algorithm inside the method Return true, indicating that the event is consumed, all touch feedback is no longer effective, and event ownership is returned if (event.actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){ performClick()//Lift the event to execute performClick to trigger the click } override fun onTouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { //event touch event } […]

Bayesian optimization of data mining – parameters of forward feedback features, estimating the best values of features

Bayesian optimization is a global optimization method used to optimize black-box functions with noise. This approach has applications in many real-world problems, especially those where evaluating the objective function is expensive, such as hyperparameter tuning. Background: Why is Bayesian optimization needed? In data mining, machine learning, and deep learning, it is often necessary to adjust […]

Graduate tracking survey feedback system based on SSM+Vue

Get the source code at the end Development language: Java Java development tools: JDK1.8 Backend framework: SSM Frontend: Vue Database: MySQL5.7 combined with Navicat management tool Server: Tomcat8.5 Development software: IDEA/Eclipse Is it a Maven project: Yes Table of Contents 1. Project Introduction 2. System functions 3. System project screenshots Implementation of the administrator module […]

[WPF] Message mask pop-up UI and await implementation to wait for feedback (popup)

Article directory 1. Summary 2. UI production process 1. Masking logic 2.Popup display layer 3.Message display layer 3. C# back-end code logic 1. Define variables 2. Define functions 3. Write the logic of button pressing 4. How to call this function 4. Technical details/common mistakes 5. Summary/complete code 1. Summary Is the original message box […]

Use of Sound/playback tone, Haptics/tactile feedback, LocalNotification/local notification

1. Sound play prompt sound 1.1 Audio files: tada.mp3, badum.mp3 1.2 File location screenshot: 1.3 Implementation import AVKit /// Audio manager class SoundManager{ // Singleton object Singleton static let instance = SoundManager() // Audio Player var player: AVAudioPlayer? enum SoundOption: String{ case tada case badum } func playSound(sound: SoundOption){ // get url guard let url […]

RLHF vs RL “AI” F, Google’s evidence: human feedback can be replaced by AI in large model training

Source: Heart of the Machine This article is about 3,100 words, and it is recommended to read it for 6 minutes. The performance of reinforcement learning based on artificial intelligence feedback (RLAIF) proposed by Google in the experiment is generally close to that of RLHF. As we all know, RLHF is an indispensable and important […]

Implementing an AIBased Feedback Loop for Product Devel

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction In the modern product development model, many companies adopt AI-based feedback loop mechanisms to improve user experience, improve product quality, and reduce costs. However, it is not easy to realize the complexity of such a system because it involves multiple sub-fields, such as computational language […]

Iterative inversion of deformation vector field based on adaptive double residual feedback control with matlab code

?Author’s brief introduction: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and technology at the same time. Matlab project cooperation can be privately messaged. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal creed: Investigate knowledge. For more Matlab simulation content click Intelligent optimization algorithm Neural network prediction Radar communication Wireless sensor Power system […]

Iterative inversion of deformation vector field based on adaptive double residual feedback control with matlab code

?Author’s brief introduction: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and technology at the same time. Matlab project cooperation can be privately messaged. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal creed: Investigate knowledge. For more Matlab simulation content click Intelligent optimization algorithm Neural network prediction Radar communication Wireless sensor Power system […]