NHANES data (complex survey data) subgroup interaction function 1.4 early adopter version (P for interaction) released — used to generate interaction effect tables with one click

In SCI articles, the interaction effect table (usually Table 5) can enhance the article, increase the credibility of the article, increase the credibility of the results, and can also perform data mining. What is a subgroup? It is usually a special type of group of people, such as men and women, race, etc. That is […]

Design and implementation of online questionnaire survey system based on Spring Boot

Table of Contents Preface 1. Technology stack 2. Introduction to system functions Administrator function implementation Questionnaire management Questionnaire management Question management User Management News information management User function implementation Questionnaire list Questionnaire news Questionnaire records 3. Core code 1. Login module 2. File upload module 3. Code encapsulation Foreword Nowadays, all walks of life in […]

Graduate tracking survey feedback system based on SSM+Vue

Get the source code at the end Development language: Java Java development tools: JDK1.8 Backend framework: SSM Frontend: Vue Database: MySQL5.7 combined with Navicat management tool Server: Tomcat8.5 Development software: IDEA/Eclipse Is it a Maven project: Yes Table of Contents 1. Project Introduction 2. System functions 3. System project screenshots Implementation of the administrator module […]

C++ language application project (array) – terrain height survey (simple version)

Table of Contents 1. Project structure: 2. File opening || closing 3. Reading files –> Adding defensive measures 4. Determine height –> Array and printing 5. All code presentation: 1. Project structure: 1. File opening || closing 2. File reading –> Add defensive measures 3. Determine height –> Array and printing 4. Example: (Save the […]

Design and implementation of web-based online questionnaire survey system (PHP+Html+MySQL)

Table of contents Chinese abstract 1 Abstract II Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Design Goals 1 1.3 Structure of this article 1 Chapter 2 Introduction to system and program architecture and related technologies 3 2.1 System architecture and program architecture 3 2.1.1 Introduction to nginx 3 2.1.2 Introduction to thinkPHP 3 […]

Electron automated testing technology selection survey

ElectronIntroduction Electron is an open source framework for building cross-platform desktop applications. It is developed by GitHub and first released in 2013. Electron allows developers to use web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build desktop applications that run on operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Here are some key features […]

Electron automated testing technology selection survey

Introduction to Electron Electron is an open source framework for building cross-platform desktop applications. It is developed by GitHub and first released in 2013. Electron allows developers to use web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build desktop applications that run on operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Here are some […]

Design and implementation of questionnaire survey system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue with front-end and back-end separation

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]

A Survey on Semisupervised Learning

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Semi-supervised learning is a machine learning method based on annotated data. Its purpose is to alleviate problems such as insufficient annotation data and solve sample imbalance, by training or learning some samples to obtain a model, and then using the remaining data to make predictions […]