yuv420 and converted to bgr

Article directory Get the yuv video frame data y and uv from the video channel, read and merge them into a complete yuv and convert it to bgr. Detailed explanation Further encapsulation ImageConverter.h ImageConverter.cpp main.cpp Obtain yuv video frame data y and uv from the video channel, read and merge them into complete yuv and […]

NHANES data (complex survey data) subgroup interaction function 1.4 early adopter version (P for interaction) released — used to generate interaction effect tables with one click

In SCI articles, the interaction effect table (usually Table 5) can enhance the article, increase the credibility of the article, increase the credibility of the results, and can also perform data mining. What is a subgroup? It is usually a special type of group of people, such as men and women, race, etc. That is […]

Download all projects of gitlab group or subgroup

The script comes from https://www.jianshu.com/p/67d827fbb4e8 Add some modifications to solve the problem of incomplete downloading when a group contains too many items. from urllib.request import urlopen import json import subprocess, shlex import time import os gitlabToken = ‘token’ gitlabAddr = ‘gitlab.com’ # gitlab address targets = [‘intel’] # The group or subgroup it belongs to, […]

matplatlib drawing and multi-subgraph drawing

matplatlib drawing and multi-subgraph drawing 1. The meaning of ax, fig, plt The meaning of ax The meaning of fig The meaning of plt 2. Conventional drawing 3. Draw sub-pictures Version 1: Create subplots using `plt.subplots` Version 1.1 Single Plot Version 1.2 Loop Drawing Version 2: Create subplots using `plt.subplot` Version 3: Create subplots using […]

Matlab draws multiple subgraphs and curves based on the .mat file.

%———————The variable between the two dotted lines needs to be changed————– —————————————-% %Load mat veh = load(‘0921.mat’); %The a_***saved mat generated after running the model %fusn source = 1(radar),2(cmr),3(fusn) %Set the start and end time of drawing the curve in the time series. start_time = 0; end_time = 6.5; %seekerThe visual ID of the target […]

(matplotlib) How to make the ax size (width and height) of each subgraph equal

Article directory not equal equal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np plt.rc(‘font’,family=’Times New Roman’) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec Not equal I use the following subplots code to draw four subplots in a row, fig,(ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4)=plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(20,10),dpi=300) Then I filled in things into each sub-picture, but I ended up with four sub-pictures of different sizes, which […]

Flink source code–JobGraph upload

In the last section, we saw the generation of JobGraph. In a cluster environment, jobGraph is generated by the client. Finally, the generated JobGraph and other related dependencies need to be uploaded to the cluster. Only then can the flink cluster actually run our code. JobGraph upload Let’s start from the source of the code […]

Flink source code-Flink cluster processing JobGraph

In the previous section, we saw that RestClusterClient uploaded jobgraph and job-related dependencies, jar packages, etc., but how does the flink cluster obtain the jobgraph and continue with the next step? Today we will continue to look at it. 1.handleRequest method The flink cluster processes the JobSubmit request from the RestClient by obtaining the WebMonitorEndpoint, […]