How does Nginx solve the thundering herd effect?

What is the thundering herd effect? When I first heard this term, I thought it was very interesting. I didn’t know what it meant. I always thought it was caused by the strange Chinese translation. Complex said (from the Internet) TLDR; The thundering herd effect refers to when multiple processes (multi-threads) are blocked and waiting […]

Starting from single testing, improve the underlying API effect function in the Vue3 source code

Based on the effect method implemented in the previous article, based on the single test in the Vue3 source code, three functions of this method are improved, namely: runner: effect can return a self-executing parameter runner function scheduler: effect supports adding the scheduler function in the second parameter option stop: effect Adds stop function runner […]

CSS Effect 009: Audio Ripple Loading Rhythm

100 common CSS examples + column directory This column records frequently used CSS examples and techniques, mainly including CSS layout, CSS special effects, and CSS lace information. Among them, CSS layout mainly lists some commonly used CSS layout information points, CSS special effects mainly include some animation examples, and CSS lace describes some CSS-related libraries, […]

With pictures and texts, we will teach you step by step how to use the OpenAI interface based on React+md to achieve the ChatGPT typewriter effect.

Preliminary preparation Front-end project Backend interface (OpenAI interface is enough) Start a new React project If you have existing projects, you can skip this step and go directly to the next step~ Next.js is a full-stack React framework. It’s versatile and allows you to create React apps of any size – from static blogs to […]

5 years of experience – how to write effective interface tests?

Introduction: Interface testing is an essential item in all development tests. Effective and complete interface testing can not only ensure the development quality of new functions, but also allow developers to have the ability to return when modifying functional logic. It is also a prerequisite for elegant refactoring. What principles should be followed when writing […]

The functions and effects of javascript, the basic functions of javascript are

Hello everyone, this article will focus on the functions and effects of javascript. The basic functions of javascript are something that many people want to understand. To understand the javascript definitive guide, you need to understand the following things first. Article directory 1. The complete composition of JavaScript* ECMAScript [js standard] DOM document object model […]

threejs(12)-shader to create smoke and water cloud effect

1. Encapsulate the water ripple effect yourself src/main/main01.js import * as THREE from “three”; import {<!– –> OrbitControls } from “three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls”; import gsap from “gsap”; import * as dat from “dat.gui”; import vertexShader from “../shaders/water/vertex.glsl”; import fragmentShader from “../shaders/water/fragment.glsl”; // Goal: Set the cloud smoke effect //Create gui object const gui = new dat.GUI(); // […]

CSS Special Effect 001: Put the mouse on the div to achieve effects such as rotation, amplification, and movement.

100 common CSS examples + column directory This column records frequently used CSS examples and techniques, mainly including CSS layout, CSS special effects, and CSS lace information. Among them, CSS layout mainly lists some commonly used CSS layout information points, CSS special effects mainly include some animation examples, and CSS lace describes some CSS-related libraries, […]

vivo database cost reduction practice: exploring the most cost-effective database solution

Since vivo began researching and testing OceanBase in 2022, it has now launched 17 business systems, covering logging, analysis, and transaction businesses, achieving a total resource saving of 80%, and greatly simplifying development and operation and maintenance work. In this article, Liao Guangming, senior database engineer of the IT department of vivo system and process, […]