threejs(12)-shader to create smoke and water cloud effect

1. Encapsulate the water ripple effect yourself src/main/main01.js import * as THREE from “three”; import {<!– –> OrbitControls } from “three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls”; import gsap from “gsap”; import * as dat from “dat.gui”; import vertexShader from “../shaders/water/vertex.glsl”; import fragmentShader from “../shaders/water/fragment.glsl”; // Goal: Set the cloud smoke effect //Create gui object const gui = new dat.GUI(); // […]

Temperature smoke fire alarm system based on 51 microcontroller – digital tube display

Temperature smoke fire alarm system based on 51 microcontroller (Simulation + Program + PCB + Design Report) Function introduction Specific functions: 1. The smoke collection sensor uses MQ-2. Since the sensor outputs an analog signal, the analog-to-digital conversion chip ADC0832 is required to convert the analog signal into a digital signal and then transmit it […]

Open flame smoke target detection project deployment (YoloV5+Flask)

Open flame smoke target detection project deployment Article directory Open flame smoke target detection project deployment 1. Pull the Docker PyToch image 2. Configure the system environment 2.1 Change software source 2.2 Download vim 2.3 Solve the problem of Chinese garbled characters in vim 3. Run the project 3.1 Copy the project to the container […]

ApiSix plug-in Basic-Auth adds a backup password field to achieve smooth password switching

ApiSix plug-in Basic-Auth adds a backup password field to achieve smooth password switching Introduction Technology stack introduction ApacheAPISIX Consumer Consumer Plugin Basic-Auth cause measure Modify the source code basic-auth.lua Modify consumer configuration test other instructions Introduction This article introduces how to add the backup password field backuo_password to the plug-in Basic-Auth in ApiSix to achieve […]

C# | Chaikin algorithm – Calculate the coordinate points of the smooth curve corresponding to the polyline

Chaikin algorithm – Calculate the coordinate points of the smooth curve corresponding to the polyline This article will introduce an algorithm for calculating the coordinate points of a smooth curve corresponding to a polyline. This algorithm uses the Chaikin curve smoothing method to adjust the smoothness and accuracy of the curve by controlling the tension […]

Implementation principle of golang smooth restart library overseer

The overseer mainly completes three functions: 1. Lossless closing of the connection, 2. Smooth restart of the connection, 3. Automatic restart of file changes. Let’s talk about it in turn: 1. Lossless closing of the connection Golang’s official net package does not support lossless closing of connections. When the main listening coroutine exits, it will […]

[OpenCV implements smooth image processing]

Article directory summary 2D convolution (image filtering) Blurred image (smoothed image) median blur bilateral filtering summary Summary In image processing, a low-pass filter is a common technique used to smooth, blur, or reduce noise in an image. This filter achieves these effects by removing high-frequency parts of the image (that is, parts that change quickly). […]

Smooth upgrade adds echo module, location configuration, and rewrite configuration

Smooth upgrade adds echo module, location configuration, and rewrite configuration Smooth upgrade process: Get compilation information of old versions Old version backup Compile a new version or new function (make install cannot be executed) Manually replace with new version and restart Verify new version Environmental preparation Operating system Old version New version New features CentOS-8 […]