vue2 upgrade vue3

long long ago I made a component library related to Vue low-code tools. Due to the needs of the new business system, I wanted to apply this to the new business system. I started to connect to ing with joy, and suddenly found… the new business system is Vue3… The old component library uses vue2 […]

The 2.5k ChatGPT-Java version SDK upgrade 1.1.2-beta0 supports GPT-4V, Dall-e-3 model, ToolCalls, fine-tuning Job, TTS…

1. Project Introduction Chatgpt-Java is the Java SDK of OpenAI’s official API, which can be quickly accessed for use in projects. Supports all official OpenAI interfaces. The current harvest will be 2500 + star. Open source address: Official documentation: Latest version: 1.1.2-beta0 <dependency> <groupId>com.unfbx</groupId> <artifactId>chatgpt-java</artifactId> <version>1.1.2-beta0</version> </dependency> Currently supported features: Dall-e-3 FineTuneJob TTS […]

k8s’s Init Containers container implements code version upgrade release and deployment version rollback: practical operation version

Initialization containers in Pod: Init Containers Theoretical premise of initContainers implementation: Containers in the same Pod share network, volume and other resources Init Containers In Kubernetes, an init container is a container that is started and executed before other containers in the same Pod. Its purpose is to perform initialization logic for the main application […]

How to build a new generation of real-time lake warehouse? Kangaroo Cloud’s exploration and upgrade path based on data lake

In the previous series of real-time lake warehouse articles, we have introduced the importance of real-time lake warehouse for the current digital transformation of enterprises, the functional architecture design of real-time lake warehouse, and the application scenarios of the combination of real-time computing and data lake. In this article, we will introduce the exploration and […]

Jira Data Center (non-cluster) upgrade operations

1. Upgrade preparation Jira management interface performs upgrade check Download the upgrade package and install it using the same method as the original operation. The original version I have here is installed through ./atlassian-jira-software-9.11.2-x64.bin. Next, download the installation of atlassian-jira-software-9.11.3-x64.bin. File, download address Stop Jira, bin/ Use mysqldump -u root -p –all-databases | gzip […]

Upgrade pg13 to pg14 inplace test

Preparation OS user pg13 pg13 data directory/pg13/data pg14 data directory/pg14-8k/data2 Ensure that the plug-ins in the pg13 and pg14 databases are consistent The initialization of pg13 and the initialization of pg14 must be initialized with operating system user pg13 Check before upgrading Note: The old and new cluster port numbers cannot be consistent, otherwise the […]

OpenWRT sysupgrade upgrade process

1. Introduction OpenWRT provides a system upgrade mechanism, which can be done through the command line or through the web page. This article mainly introduces the common operations and usage of sysupgrade under OpenWRT and the sysupgrade upgrade process. Here it mainly introduces the processes involved in the entire upgrade process, including After understanding this […]

Upgrade from node 6.9.1 to node 8.16.2+ ionic 3.19.0 + cordova7.1.0 environment configuration

node 8.16.2 + ionic 3.19.0 + cordova7.1.0 environment configuration background implement (1) Install ionic (2) Install cordova (3) Run the project ionic serve 1. Follow the prompts to reconstruct node-sass for node 8. 2. An error occurs 3. Follow the prompts to install vcbuild: run as administrator and open the command line tool. Run in […]