Upgrade pg13 to pg14 inplace test


  1. OS user pg13
  2. pg13 data directory/pg13/data
  3. pg14 data directory/pg14-8k/data2
  4. Ensure that the plug-ins in the pg13 and pg14 databases are consistent
  5. The initialization of pg13 and the initialization of pg14 must be initialized with operating system user pg13

Check before upgrading

Note: The old and new cluster port numbers cannot be consistent, otherwise the upgrade will fail.
[pg13@sdw2 ~]$ /pg14-8k/bin/pg_upgrade --old-datadir=/pg13/data --new-datadir=/pg14-8k/data2 --old-bindir=/pg13/bin --new -bindir=/pg14-8k/bin --old-port=5432 --new-port=35432 --socketdir=/pg14-8k/data2 --check
Performing Consistency Checks
Checking cluster versions ok
Checking database user is the install user ok
Checking database connection settings ok
Checking for prepared transactions OK
Checking for system-defined composite types in user tables ok
Checking for reg* data types in user tables ok
Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch ok
Checking for user-defined encoding conversions ok
Checking for user-defined postfix operators ok
Checking for presence of required libraries ok
Checking database user is the install user ok
Checking for prepared transactions OK
Checking for new cluster tablespace directories ok

*Clusters are compatible*


--link The new version uses hard links to copy data to the specified file directory.
[pg13@sdw2 ~]$ /pg14-8k/bin/pg_upgrade --old-datadir=/pg13/data --new-datadir=/pg14-8k/data2 --old-bindir=/pg13/bin --new -bindir=/pg14-8k/bin --old-port=5432 --new-port=35432 --socketdir=/pg14-8k/data2 --link
Performing Consistency Checks
Checking cluster versions ok
Checking database user is the install user ok
Checking database connection settings ok
Checking for prepared transactions OK
Checking for system-defined composite types in user tables ok
Checking for reg* data types in user tables ok
Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch ok
Checking for user-defined encoding conversions ok
Checking for user-defined postfix operators ok
Creating dump of global objects ok
Creating dump of database schemas
Checking for presence of required libraries ok
Checking database user is the install user ok
Checking for prepared transactions OK
Checking for new cluster tablespace directories ok

If pg_upgrade fails after this point, you must re-initdb the
new cluster before continuing.

Performing Upgrade
Analyzing all rows in the new cluster ok
Freezing all rows in the new cluster ok
Deleting files from new pg_xact ok
Copying old pg_xact to new server ok
Setting oldest XID for new cluster ok
Setting next transaction ID and epoch for new cluster ok
Deleting files from new pg_multixact/offsets ok
Copying old pg_multixact/offsets to new server ok
Deleting files from new pg_multixact/members ok
Copying old pg_multixact/members to new server ok
Setting next multixact ID and offset for new cluster ok
Resetting WAL archives ok
Setting frozenxid and minmxid counters in new cluster ok
Restoring global objects in the new cluster ok
Restoring database schemas in the new cluster
Adding ".old" suffix to old global/pg_control ok

If you want to start the old cluster, you will need to remove
the ".old" suffix from /pg13/data/global/pg_control.old.
Because "link" mode was used, the old cluster cannot be safely
started once the new cluster has been started.

Linking user relation files
Setting next OID for new cluster ok
Sync data directory to disk ok
Creating script to delete old cluster ok
Checking for extension updates notice

**Note 1: Upgrade extensions**
Your installation contains extensions that should be updated
with the ALTER EXTENSION command. The file
when executed by psql by the database superuser will update
these extensions.

Upgrade Complete
**Note 2: Analyze statistical information**
Optimizer statistics are not transferred by pg_upgrade.
Once you start the new server, consider running:
    /pg14-8k/bin/vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages

Running this script will delete the old cluster's data files:

After the upgrade is completed, several files will be generated in the pg13 home directory (for subsequent use):

[root@sdw2 pg13]# pwd
[root@sdw2 pg13]#ll -lhtr
-rw-r----- 1 pg13 pg13 270 February 10 09:33 loadable_libraries.txt (load plug-in information)
-rwx------ 1 pg13 pg13 31 February 10 10:04 delete_old_cluster.sh (delete old version of data)
-rw------- 1 pg13 pg13 135 February 10 10:04 update_extensions.sql (upgrade plug-in)

[root@sdw2 pg13]# more loadable_libraries.txt
could not load library "pglogical": ERROR: could not access file "pglogical": No such file or directory
In database: postgres
could not load library "$libdir/pglogical": ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/pglogical": No such file or directory
In database: postgres

Collect statistical information

Since running pg_upgrade will not bring over the statistical information, you need to analyze the entire database.

-j is parallel
[pg13@sdw2 ~]$ /pg14-8k/bin/vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages -p 35432 -h /pg14-8k/data2 -j 6
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt": Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt1": Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt2": Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database "postgres": Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database "template1": Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt": Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt1": Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt2": Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database "postgres": Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database "template1": Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt": Generating default (full) optimizer statistics
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt1": Generating default (full) optimizer statistics
vacuumdb: processing database "dbt2": Generating default (full) optimizer statistics
vacuumdb: processing database "postgres": Generating default (full) optimizer statistics
vacuumdb: processing database "template1": Generating default (full) optimizer statistics

Upgrade plug-in

1 Log in to the database

[pg13@sdw2 ~]$ /pg14-8k/bin/psql -p 35432 -h /pg14-8k/data2 -d postgres
psql (14.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \dt
          List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type | Owner
-------- + ------------- + ------- + -------
 public | ct | table | pg13
 public | t1 | table | pg13
 public | t2 | table | pg13
 public | t3 | table | pg13
 public | t4 | table | pg13
 public | t_demo | table | pg13
 public | t_goods | table | pg13
 public | t_hash | table | pg13
 public | t_insert1 | table | pg13
 public | t_order | table | pg13
 public | t_parallel1 | table | pg13
 public | t_parallel2 | table | pg13
 public | t_pj | table | pg13
 public | t_product | table | pg13
 public | t_pub | table | pg13
 public | t_pub2 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub3 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub4 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub5 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub6 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub7 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub8 | table | pg13
 public | t_pub9 | table | pg13
 public | t_table | table | pg13
 public | t_table1 | table | pg13
 public | t_trunate | table | pg13
 public | t_wishlist | table | pg13
 public | tab1 | table | pg13
 public | tab2 | table | pg13
 public | tab3 | table | pg13
 public | test_big2 | table | pg13
(31 rows)

2 Check the plug-in status

postgres=# \dx
                                            List of installed extensions
        Name | Version | Schema | Description
-------------------- + --------- + ------------ + ------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
 bloom | 1.0 | public | bloom access method - signature file based index
 pageinspect | 1.8 | public | inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
 pg_stat_statements | 1.8 | public | planning track and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
 pg_trgm | 1.5 | public | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
 pgstattuple | 1.5 | public | show tuple-level statistics
 plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(6 rows)

3 Upgrade plug-in

postgres=# \i update_extensions.sql
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "pg13".
postgres=# \dx
                                            List of installed extensions
        Name | Version | Schema | Description
-------------------- + --------- + ------------ + ------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
 bloom | 1.0 | public | bloom access method - signature file based index
 pageinspect | 1.9 | public | inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
 pg_stat_statements | 1.9 | public | planning track and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
 pg_trgm | 1.6 | public | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
 pgstattuple | 1.5 | public | show tuple-level statistics
 plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(6 rows)

Note: pageinspect has been upgraded from 1.8 to 1.9
     pg_stat_statements upgraded from 1.8 to 1.9

Delete old version

[pg13@sdw2 ~]$ sh /home/pg13/delete_old_cluster.sh