[ElasticSearch Series-03] ElasticSearch’s advanced syntax query Query DSL

ElasticSearch series overall column Content Link address [1] ElasticSearch download and installation https://zhenghuisheng.blog.csdn.net/article/details /129260827 [2] ElasticSearch concepts and basic operations https://blog.csdn.net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134121631 [2] ElasticSearch’s advanced query Query DSL https://blog.csdn.net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134159587 < /table> ElasticSearch’s advanced syntax query Query DSL 1. ElasticSearch advanced query syntax Query DSL 1. Basic use of Query DSL 1.1, deep paging query Scroll 1.2, […]

Query DSL(Domain Specific Language)

1 query context Searching using the query keyword tends to be related to search, so it is necessary to calculate the score. Search is the most critical and important part of Elasticsearch. 2 Relevance score: _score Concept: Relevance score is used to rank search results. The higher the score, the more relevant the result is […]

ES SearchAPI—-Query DSL language

Article directory Getting Started match_all query all sortsort from\size paging _source specifies the field match matching query match_phrase phrase matching multi_matchMulti-field matching range range query bool compound query Must match, can contribute points must_not must not match, can contribute points should is optional, can contribute points, does not affect the number of records Filter conditions […]

84 Elasticsearch DSL query documentation

Elasticsearch DSL query documentation 1 Common query types of DSL include 2 DSL Query basic syntax 3 Precise query 4 Geographical query 5 compound query 6 Function Score Query 7 Compound Query Boolean Query 1 Common query types of DSL include 1 Elasticsearch provides a JSON-based DSL (Domain Specific Language) to define queries. Common query […]

[ElasticSearch] In-depth exploration of DSL query syntax to achieve different levels of retrieval of documents, as well as sorting, paging and highlighting of search results

Article directory Preface 1. Classification of Elasticsearch DSL Query 2. Full text search query 2.1 `match` query 2.2 `multi_match` query 3. Precise query 3.1 term query 3.2 range query 4. Geographical coordinate query 4.1 geo_bounding_box query 4.2 geo_distance query 5. Compound query 5.1 function score query 5.2 boolean query 6. Processing of search results 6.1 […]

PromptScript: lightweight DSL script to accelerate diverse LLM testing and verification

TL;DR version PromptScript is a lightweight Prompt debugging DSL (Yaml) script for quickly using and building Prompt. PromptScript documentation: https://framework.unitmesh.cc/prompt-script Why PromptScript? A few months ago, when studying LLM to improve research performance, we built the DevTi project under UnitMesh (https://github.com/unit-mesh) for batch data processing and prompt verification– For example, verify whether the generated UML […]

elasticsearch(ES) distributed search engine 02–(DSL query document, search result processing)

Directory 1.1.DSL query classification 1.2. Full text search query 1.2.1.Usage scenarios 1.2.2.Basic syntax 1.2.3.Example 1.2.4. Summary 1.3. Accurate query 1.3.1.term query 1.3.3. Summary 1.4. Geographical coordinate query 1.4.1. Rectangular range query 1.4.2. Nearby query 1.5. Compound query 1.5.1. Relevance score calculation 1.5.2.Score function query 1) Grammar description 2) Example 3) Summary 1.5.3.Boolean query 1) Grammar […]

DSL query syntax for Elasticsearch

DSL query syntax of Elasticsearch Query syntax: Basic Grammar GET /indexName/_search {<!– –> “query”: {<!– –> “Query type”: {<!– –> “Query condition”: “Condition value” } } } 1. Search all GET /indexName/_search {<!– –> “query”: {<!– –> “match_all”: {<!– –> } } } What is the basic syntax for querying DSL? GET /index library name/_search […]

ElasticSearch – DSL query document syntax, as well as deep paging problems and solutions

Table of Contents 1. DSL query document syntax Preface 1.1. Basic syntax of DSL Query 1.2. Full text search query 1.2.1. match query 1.2.2, multi_match 1.3. Accurate query 1.3.1, term query 1.3.2, range query 1.4. Geographical query 1.4.1, geo_bounding_box 1.4.2, geo_distance 1.5. Compound query 1.5.1. Relevance score calculation 1.5.2, function_score 1.5.3, boolean query 1.6. Search […]

PM2.5 laser dust sensor DSL-08 (DS-08)

A product uses dust detection, and finally I found one on Taobao, the model is DSL-08. The product information of the sensor is placed on Baidu Netdisk Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oNCwO7n9oEdzju91cF99xg?pwd=1234 Extraction code: 1234 Chip: STM32F103C8T6 Dust sensor: DSL-08 After powering on, the dust sensor keeps sending 32 bytes of data, so we only need to parse […]