Understanding of arm bare metal lighting led volatile

1. Initialization process Initialize clock Set the multiplexed IO port of GPIO Set the electrical properties of GPIO Initialize GPIO 2. Understanding volatile initialization registers in C language #define CCM_CCGR0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0x020C4068) Understanding of volatile The volatile keyword has the following uses: (1) Used for synchronization, because the same thing may have multiple […]

python pyqt5 3. Text editing box pop-up window search and replace, highlighting the searched string

Function: 1. Click the Open Find and Replace button to pop up the Find and Replace window. After selecting the string, the window will open and the value will be automatically searched. 2. All found results are highlighted. 3. Display the number of results found and the number currently found 4. Implement batch replacement Rendering: […]

Vue routing (router-link) – highlighting, dynamic parameter transfer

1. Declarative navigation-navigation links 1. Requirements Implement navigation highlighting effect If you use the a tag to jump, you need to add styles to the currently jumped navigation, and at the same time remove the style of the previous a tag, which is too troublesome! ! ! 2. Solution vue-router provides a global component router-link […]

[STM32F103 running water lamp lighting version 1]

? Foreword STM32CubeMX is a graphical configuration tool launched by STMicroelectronics. Relevant configurations can be achieved through fool-proof operations. It can ultimately generate C language code and supports multiple tool chains, such as MDK, IAR For ARM, TrueStudio, etc. It is particularly worth mentioning that TrueStudio has been acquired by ST and provides a completely […]

Lightweight encapsulated WebGPU rendering system example<9>-Basic lighting (source code)

Current sample source code github address: https://github.com/vilyLei/voxwebgpu/blob/main/src/voxgpu/sample/SimpleLightTest.ts Features implemented by this sample rendering system: 1. Isolation of user state and system state. For details, please see: Engine System Design Ideas – Isolation of User State and System State – CSDN Blog 2. Isolate high-frequency calls from low-frequency calls. 3. User-oriented ease of use packaging. 4. […]

Tooltip implements hover content highlighting and formatting

1: Implement dyeing and highlighting of json strings through the highlight.js project This project is a jsp file and references the component of element-ui/highlight.js to highlight and format the json text in the tooltip (theoretically it supports all projects supported by highlight) Two: Achieve results Three: Code Implementation The key point is to successfully introduce […]

Driver development 4 Step-by-step implementation of writing LED driver (LED lighting) using character device driver

1. Mind map Second, write the LED driver through the step-by-step implementation of the character device driver, and also implement the binding of special files and devices Application test.c #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> #include “head.h” int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { char buf[128]={0}; int a; int […]

Driver development 2 CoetexA7 core character device driver (LED lighting) (separate mapping register implementation + packaging structure mapping implementation)

1. Separate mapping register implementation You can refer to arm lighting C language cortex-A7 core lighting LED light (attached assembly implementation, using C language loop implementation, using C language package function implementation [important, commonly used]) – CSDN Blog 1 application test.c #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> int main(int […]

Front-end pdf preview solution (positioning, highlighting, page switching, style customization)

Foreword PDF.js is an open source JavaScript library developed by Mozilla for parsing and rendering PDF files on web pages. It does not rely on any external servers or plug-ins and runs directly in the browser. PDF.js supports multiple platforms and devices, including desktop, mobile, and embedded Environment: browser side Technology selection: pdf.js Download address: […]

Interrupt control button lighting and buzzer based on STM32F407

Table of Contents 1. Introduction of the problem 2. The concept of interruption 3.ARM Cortex-M4 interrupt mechanism 4. Interrupt vector table 5.STM32F4XX interrupt management mechanism 5.1 Interrupt source stage 5.2 Interrupt Controller Phase (NVIC) 6. STM32F4xx external interrupt 7. Code implementation of external interrupt: 7.1 Configure the GPIO controller as input mode a. Enable clock […]