Encapsulate a vue3 multi-line text beyond omitting expansion/collapse and tooltip display components

Encapsulate a vue3 multi-line text beyond omitting expansion/collapse and tooltip display components Foreword I believe everyone can encounter such a problem. The text exceeds the omission, so how can we prevent the page from being filled with dense text and make all the content clear and convenient for users to see. When using the UI […]

echarts implements tooltip automatic carousel display, pausing when the mouse is hovering

In ECharts, you can display the prompt box on the data axis by setting tooltip.trigger=”axis”. To implement automatic carousel display of tooltips, use the setInterval() and dispatchAction() methods in combination. Get the chart DOM instance, listen to mouse events, clear the timer when hovering, start the timer when the mouse leaves, and continue the carousel. […]

Tooltip implements hover content highlighting and formatting

1: Implement dyeing and highlighting of json strings through the highlight.js project This project is a jsp file and references the component of element-ui/highlight.js to highlight and format the json text in the tooltip (theoretically it supports all projects supported by highlight) Two: Achieve results Three: Code Implementation The key point is to successfully introduce […]

Draw echarts diagram in tooltip

first step: Step 2; Complete code: //Collaborative work acceptance analysis cylindrical shape workLineChart(xData, yData) { let that = this; let option = { backgroundColor: “#061326”, grid: { top: “10%”, bottom: “5%”, left: “5%”, right: “5%”, containLabel: true }, tooltip: { trigger: “axis”, axisPointer: { type: “shadow” // Default is straight line, optional: ‘line’ | ‘shadow’ […]

Echarts scroll bar displays seven days of data and tooltip floating layer configuration

When I first started using the Echarts scroll bar, it was quite a torture to search for various configuration items. So we do this first… then this… then this… into a picture… Scroll bar dataZoom partial configuration dataZoom: [ { // external scroll bar type: ‘slider’, show: true, bottom: 32, right:63, left: ‘auto’, fillerColor: ‘#ddd’, […]

Based on echarts, polygons are drawn in the rectangular coordinate system; colors are randomly generated; show-overflow-tooltip style is modified; formatting time; websocket is used; checkbox view is not updated when used in el-table

Based on echarts, draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system; randomly generate colors; modify the show-overflow-tooltip style 1. Draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system based on echarts 1.1Introduce echarts dependency into the project 1.2Introduce echarts into the page 1.3html code 1.4js code 1.5 Optimization, add fill style js code 2. Randomly generate colors 2.1 […]

[CSS 29] tooltip tooltip text additional information visibility position positioning use pseudo-element space-like content attribute and border to create arrows fade in tooltip opacity from 0 to 1

CSS tooltip tooltip tooltip tooltip Creating Tooltips via CSS (Tooltip) Tooltips are often used to provide additional information about something when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element Basic tooltip Create a tooltip that is displayed when the mouse is over an element <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> .tooltip {<!– –> position: relative; display: […]

echart’s tooltip displays personalized data

Requirement: It is required to display the data when there is no prompt box, and to display the value of the last day of each week of each year when there is a prompt box, and to display the date of the last day of each week of each year respectively. As shown in the […]

QML control type: ToolTip, TabBar

ToolTip ToolTip inherits from Popup and can provide a tooltip for any control. A tooltip is a small piece of text that informs the user of a control’s functionality. It is usually placed above or below the parent control. The hint text can be any rich text string. 1.1, additional tooltip The most straightforward way […]

Transparent information prompt box CFyToolTip design and source code, suitable for real-time information display of various drawings

In the field of graphic drawing, it is often necessary to use a transparent information prompt window. For example, when the mouse moves over a primitive object, real-time data (such as device name, status, measured data, etc.) of the primitive object is displayed. When the mouse moves away, Hide the prompt box in time; for […]