Java class loading mechanism (class loader, parent delegation model, hot deployment example)

Java class loading mechanism class loader Class loader execution flow Types of class loaders Relationships between loaders Main method of ClassLoader The difference between Class.forName() and ClassLoader.loadClass() Parental delegation model Parental delegation class loading process Advantages and Disadvantages Simple example of hot deployment Class loader Execution process of class loader Types of class loaders AppClassLoader […]

[C++] Polymorphism ⑤ (Virtual destructor | Virtual destructor syntax | Virtual destructor meaning | When the parent class pointer points to the child class object, the parent class and the child class use virtual virtual destructor | Code example)

Article directory 1. Virtual destructor 1. The constructor cannot be a virtual function 2. The destructor can be a virtual function 3. Virtual destructor syntax 4. The meaning of virtual destructor 2. Code example – virtual destructor 1. Code example – Failure to use a virtual destructor results in the subclass destructor being unable to […]

QWidget|QFrame sets the background to be transparent and can have a border color

QWidget|QFrame sets the background to be transparent and can have a border color Chapter1 “Qt” part 6 QSS Qt style sheet – interface beautification 1($$$) Chapter2 [QT] QSS beautification – basic knowledge Chapter3 QWidget|QFrame sets the background to be transparent and can have a border color Reference link Chapter4 Several methods for setting form (QWidget) […]

Communication between parent and child components is implemented through props in react

Article directory 1. Parent component passes value to child component 1. Functional components pass values through props: 2. Class components pass values through props: 3. An elegant way to pass multiple values at once 2. Subcomponent passes value to parent component 1. In function component 2. In class component 3. propTypes limits props 1. Parent […]

Excel obtains hierarchical display, folding and expansion, parent-child relationship

Excel obtains hierarchical display, folding and expansion, parent-child relationship apache poi 4.1.2 is provided through the methods Row.getOutlineLevel and Row.getZeroHeight We can iterate through all the rows in the worksheet and have methods that can collect row group information from a row to determine the parent and child of each row. In the following code […]

Revealing the secrets of Java class loading mechanism and parent delegation: knowing why, dancing in the world of code

Article directory load verify load Continue to verify Metadata validation Bytecode verification Symbol reference verification Preparation Phase Analysis Symbolic references and direct references Static linking and dynamic linking Initialization Use and uninstall I am Liao Zhiwei, a Java development engineer, high-quality creator in the Java field, CSDN blog expert, 51CTO expert blogger, Alibaba Cloud expert […]

Use of JavaScript modal box in Bootstrap – interaction without leaving the parent form – click the button to pop up the dialog box

Bootstrap’s JavaScript modal is a child form that overlays the parent form. Usually, the purpose is to display a separate piece of content that can have some interaction without leaving the parent form. Subforms can customize content and provide functions such as information display and interaction. 01-A simple, basic modal box sample code <!DOCTYPE html> […]