Practical Data Analysis | K-means Algorithm – Analysis of Protein Consumption Characteristics

Table of Contents 1. Data and analysis objects 2. Purpose and analysis tasks 3. Methods and Tools 4. Data reading 5. Data understanding 6. Data preparation 7. Model training ?Edit 8. Model evaluation 9. Model tuning participates in prediction 1. Data and analysis objects txt file – “protein.txt”, mainly records 9 attributes of 25 countries. […]

Clustering algorithm–K-Means algorithm

cluster learning 1. Clustering concept: 1. Unsupervised problem: We have no labels in our hands, and the computer needs to learn the labels by itself. 2. Clustering: In a pile of data, similar things are grouped into a group, and a group is a category, also called a cluster. 3. Difficulty: How to evaluate the […]

[K-means clustering algorithm] Implementing iris clustering

Article directory Preface 1. Introduction to data sets 2. Usage steps 1. Guide package 1.2 Load the data set 1.3 Draw two-dimensional data distribution chart 1.4 Instantiate the K-means class and define the training function 1.5 Training 1.6 Visual display 2. Clustering algorithm 2.1.Visual generation 3 Other clustering algorithms for iris classification Foreword For example: […]

Matlab simulation of network data clustering algorithm based on improved K-means

Table of Contents 1. Program function description 2. Test software version and display of running results 3. Core program 4. Principle of this algorithm 5. Complete program 1. Program function description K-means is a basic partitioning method in cluster analysis, and the error sum of squares criterion function is often used as the clustering criterion. […]

C language application: marketing means for businessmen

Topic: A fruit supermarket launched an anniversary store celebration event and launched a number guessing game. Depending on the number of correct guesses, different rewards will be given. This game is designed using C language. Requirements: Output the price list, and the money the user needs to spend (a purchase of 100 or more unlocks […]

K-means (K-means) algorithm

K-means (k-means, also recorded as kmeans) is one of the clustering algorithms. Due to its simple principle, strong interpretability, easy implementation, and fast convergence speed, it is widely used in data mining, cluster analysis, data clustering, It has a wide range of applications in the fields of pattern recognition, financial risk control, data science, intelligent […]

K-means clustering algorithm implements iris clustering

1.Experimental purpose: Understand the principle of K-means algorithm and use K-means algorithm to implement iris clustering. 2.K-meansIntroduction to the algorithm Clustering is a process of classifying and organizing data members that are similar in some aspects of the data set. Clustering is a technique for discovering this inherent structure. Clustering technology is often called unsupervised […]

(Experiment 4) Implementation of k-means algorithm

1. Load the data set from the file import numpy as np inf = 0x3f3f3f3f def loadDataSet(fileName): dataMat = [] fr = open(fileName) for line in fr.readlines(): curLine = line.strip().split(‘\t’) fltLine = list(map(float,curLine)) dataMat.append(fltLine) return dataMat 2. Calculate the Euclidean distance of two vectors def disEclud(vecA,vecB): return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(vecA-vecB,2))) 3. Construct a set containing K random […]

[C++] Polymorphism ⑤ (Virtual destructor | Virtual destructor syntax | Virtual destructor meaning | When the parent class pointer points to the child class object, the parent class and the child class use virtual virtual destructor | Code example)

Article directory 1. Virtual destructor 1. The constructor cannot be a virtual function 2. The destructor can be a virtual function 3. Virtual destructor syntax 4. The meaning of virtual destructor 2. Code example – virtual destructor 1. Code example – Failure to use a virtual destructor results in the subclass destructor being unable to […]

Maven’s father-son project & version control & case practice, and expand the meaning of groupId and artifactId

Article directory **“ tag** **“ tag** **“ & amp; “ difference** **“ tag** **“ tag** **Version Control Priority** Practical case: Notice: expand: tag Used for father-son engineering projects. What is father-son engineering? As the name suggests, a maven parent-child project is a maven project with a parent project and many sub-projects under the parent project. […]