stm car HAL library speed measurement PID speed regulation Bluetooth OLED use

//Redirect serial port one int fputc(int ch,FILE *stream) { HAL_UART_Transmit( & amp;huart1,( uint8_t *) & amp;ch,1,0xFFFF); return ch; } //typedef struct __FILE FILE; When using printf, add #include<stdio.h>; 2. Serial port interrupt callback function uint8_t g_ucUsart3ReceiveData; //Save the data received by serial port 3 main.c HAL_UART_Receive_IT( & amp;huart3, & amp;g_ucUsart3ReceiveData,1); //Serial port three receives data […]

HAL library tracking + positional PID

Article directory Tracking + PID 1. Four-way tracking algorithm 2. Eight-way tracking algorithm 3. Use of tracking PID The specific use of this tracking PID Trace + PID 1. Define the pins of the tracking module in the header file #define L1 HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(L1_GPIO_Port,L1_Pin) //Read the GPIO level of the infrared pair tube connection #define L2 […]

Maven’s father-son project & version control & case practice, and expand the meaning of groupId and artifactId

Article directory **“ tag** **“ tag** **“ & amp; “ difference** **“ tag** **“ tag** **Version Control Priority** Practical case: Notice: expand: tag Used for father-son engineering projects. What is father-son engineering? As the name suggests, a maven parent-child project is a maven project with a parent project and many sub-projects under the parent project. […]

First-level inverted pendulum control – PID controller design and MATLAB implementation

Directory of series articles Introduction to optimal control First-level inverted pendulum control – system modeling (transfer function model and state space equation representation) First-level inverted pendulum control – optimal control linear quadratic control (LQR) and MATLAB implementation First-level inverted pendulum control – MPC controller design and MATLAB implementation First-level inverted pendulum control – ROS2 simulation […]

Process termination, process waiting and fork(), wait(), waitpid()

Article directory 1. Process termination (1) Situation of process termination (2) How to terminate the process 2. Process waiting (1) Concept (2) Necessity (3) wait()–system call (4) waitpid()–system call (5) Get child process status 3. fork() function 1. Process termination (1) Process termination situation The code is run and the result is correct The code […]

Kubernetes: Get Pod name based on process Pid

Foreword In the process of managing Kubernetes clusters, we often encounter such a situation: we find that a process consumes a lot of resources on a certain node, but we don’t know which container the process is in. . Is there a way to quickly find the Pod name based on the process PID? solve […]

Design of motor speed control system based on 51 microcontroller Hall encoder speed measurement and PID algorithm

Directory of series articles Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Introduction to PID 1. Hardware solution 2. Design function 3. Program source code Summarize PID Introduction PID control (Proportional Integral Derivative Control) is a common control algorithm, usually used to control parameters such as position, speed and acceleration of motors and other equipment. […]