Stm32_Standard library_18_Serial port & Bluetooth module_Communication between mobile phone and Bluetooth module_Control LED light on and off

Control the LED lights on and off by inputting LED_ON and LED_OFF respectively wiring: The positive electrode of the LED is connected to positive electricity, and the negative electrode is connected to GPIOA_Pin1 Bluetooth module TXD is connected to GPIOA_Pin3, VCC is connected to positive power, and GND is connected to negative power. Note: USART2 […]

stm car HAL library speed measurement PID speed regulation Bluetooth OLED use

//Redirect serial port one int fputc(int ch,FILE *stream) { HAL_UART_Transmit( & amp;huart1,( uint8_t *) & amp;ch,1,0xFFFF); return ch; } //typedef struct __FILE FILE; When using printf, add #include<stdio.h>; 2. Serial port interrupt callback function uint8_t g_ucUsart3ReceiveData; //Save the data received by serial port 3 main.c HAL_UART_Receive_IT( & amp;huart3, & amp;g_ucUsart3ReceiveData,1); //Serial port three receives data […]

Based on 51 microcontroller Bluetooth upload temperature and humidity control servo switch

1. Foreword In the past two years, the requirements and difficulty of graduation projects and graduation defenses have continued to increase. Traditional graduation projects lack innovation and highlights, and often fail to meet the requirements for graduation defenses. In the past two years, junior students and junior students have constantly told Senior Xiaohong to do […]

Android connection bluetooth example

Android connection Bluetooth process (complete code at the end) Declare permissions 1) Declare permissions in the AndroidManifest manifest file (Note: Searching for Bluetooth requires location permission!!) <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION” /> 2) Apply for runtime permissions if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED ) […]

Bluetooth—-ICall module and TI RTOS in CC2640

TIRTOS—-ICall module in CC2640 1.Introduction to ICall module 2.Initialization of ICall module 3.ICall thread synchronization 4.ICall message flow analysis 5.ICall calling process I have been using TI’s CC2640 Bluetooth for some time. I usually do application layer development and don’t pay much attention to the ICall module. But after reading this article, I gained a […]

Solution to the failure to open Bluetooth due to the installation of Google GMS in Android 13

Solution to the failure to open Bluetooth after installing Google GMS on Android 13 Article directory Solution to the failure to open Bluetooth due to the installation of Google GMS in Android 13 I. Introduction 2. Solution 1. Simple solution 2. Add attributes and log solutions 3. Analysis 1. Check the exception log 2. View […]

Microcontroller project: Bluetooth wireless password lock design based on microcontroller

Main introduction In the design of Bluetooth wireless password lock based on microcontroller, Bluetooth technology is taken as the core content of this design. By using STC89C52 microcontroller, plus LCD liquid crystal display module, and a variety of related parts, a variety of more convenient Settings, successfully help users solve many aspects such as unlocking […]

STM32 smart car-Bluetooth controlled and speed measuring car, wife controlled car, 4g controlled car, voice controlled car

Table of Contents 1. Bluetooth controlled car 2. Bluetooth control and speed measuring car 3. WiFi controlled speed measuring car 4. 4g controlled car 5. Voice control car 5.1 Voice module configuration: 5.2 Voice control car development and debugging code 1. Bluetooth control car Using Bluetooth module, serial port transparent transmission Bluetooth module, also called […]

Getting Bluetooth Done – Part 5 (SMP)

Getting Bluetooth done – Part 5 (SMP) principle Security Manager (SM for short, don’t get it wrong) Secret key pair Key generation Specific key distribution Summary of principles ESP32 program initialization GAP callback function Principle Security Manager (SM for short, don’t get it wrong) According to the previous test, the two devices can communicate through […]

Android Bluetooth – Classic Bluetooth BT

1. Development History of Bluetooth Bluetooth: It is a wireless technology standard that enables short-distance data exchange between devices. Bluetooth can send broadcasts at a certain period. After receiving the broadcast, the mobile phone parses the broadcast packet and can perform device identification, pairing, event notification, and command control. Low-precision positioning can estimate the approximate […]