Implement personal mobile phone location analysis based on Python! I just want to ask you if you can hang it!

TransBigData is a Python package developed for traffic spatiotemporal big data processing, analysis, and visualization. This article will use it to implement personal mobile phone positioning analysis But in fact, traffic spatio-temporal big data is not limited to the data generated by transportation vehicles. A large amount of data is also generated in our daily […]

Mobile Development Technology Assignment 2: Implementation of Recycleview click-to-jump function

1. Function description Implement the functional design of page jump and return to the module that has added recyclevie 2. Development Technology Development tools: Android studio Version: API 32 Android 12 3. Development ideas and core code In the last article, I placed recycleview1 in fragment2 (information interface). Due to design needs, I now put […]

Unity mobile game development: Addressables 4, resource version management

The resource version management we expect includes several aspects: Can be updated across versions,Can be rolled back to versions, and can dynamically modify the update address< /strong>. Version definition: The version number should be upgraded every time the game is updated. The client should theoretically have two version numbers: Frame Version (FrameVersion) and Resource Version […]

Android mobile development assignment–implementation of click-to-jump function of Recycleview

Table of Contents 1. Design goals 1.1 Design requirements 1.2 Introduction to design functions 2. Detailed design explanation 2.1 Define the contactMS class 2.2 Define layout files 2.3 Modify Myadapter adapter 2.4 Define 3. Run interface display 4. Source code warehouse address 1. Design Goals 1.1 Design Requirements Relying on assignment 1, add a […]

Stm32_Standard library_18_Serial port & Bluetooth module_Communication between mobile phone and Bluetooth module_Control LED light on and off

Control the LED lights on and off by inputting LED_ON and LED_OFF respectively wiring: The positive electrode of the LED is connected to positive electricity, and the negative electrode is connected to GPIOA_Pin1 Bluetooth module TXD is connected to GPIOA_Pin3, VCC is connected to positive power, and GND is connected to negative power. Note: USART2 […]

Android mobile development — page jump by clicking on RecyclerView content

1. Experimental objectives: Add a click function to each item of the recyclerView in the first experiment, and jump to a new view interface after clicking. 2.Technical description: 1. Tools used: Android studio 2. Version information: API 32 Android 12 3. Main technical content: recyclerview, adapter, activity, fragment 3. Design ideas: Change each line of […]

Mobile development-simple implementation of Recycleview click-to-jump function

Homework objectives Relying on assignment one (mobile development – experiment 1 – simple implementation of WeChat interface – CSDN blog), add a click function to each item of recyclerView, and jump to a new view to display information after clicking. Design ideas First, design the page discover_detail.xml that recycleview will jump to, then create a […]

Mobile development assignment 2: Activity jump

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article Directory Table of Contents Article directory 1. Job requirements 2. Project practice ideas 3. Project core code 4. Effect display 5. Source code address Summarize 1. […]

How to use fiddler to capture mobile phone packets and filters!

1. The difference between Fiddler and other packet capture tools 1. Although Firebug can capture packets, it is not powerful enough to analyze the detailed information of http requests. The function of simulating HTTP requests is not enough, and Firebug often requires “no refresh modification”. If the page is refreshed, all modifications will not be […]