, The use of rpm yum command and the meaning of parameters. 2. Upload the image to the virtual machine to build a local yum source. 3. The meaning of each parameter of the chown chomd command. 4. How to use the fdisk partd hard disk partition command? 5. In your own virtual

1. Use of rpm, yum commands, parameter meanings (1) The use of common rpm commands and the meaning of parameters Install a software package: rpm -i package.rpm: Install a software package. parameter: -i: Install the software package. –nodeps: Ignore dependencies. –force: Force installation even if the package is already installed. Upgrade software package: rpm -U […]

The meaning of each parameter of the chown chomd command

Linux: Modify file permissions and owners 1. Import 2. chown (change file owner) 3. chmod (change access permissions of files or directories) 4. Application 1. Import Related things: (common commands for file operations: list directories ls) ls command parameters Description -a List all files and directories (including hidden files starting with .) – d List […]

Research on large picture and small target photovoltaic production barcode detection based on YOLOV8+ moving window slicing (full version) + OnnxRuntime + KMeans + Zbar + traditional image processing algorithm

Article directory Preface 1 Project background 2. Training the one-dimensional code detection model of YOLOV8 3 Read test pictures 3.1 Adjust the position of the first window 4 Create a sliding window with a window size of (640, 640) and a moving distance of 160. Fill the window that is less than (640, 640) 5 […]

PYTHON user churn data mining: establishing logistic regression, XGBOOST, random forest, decision tree, support vector machine, naive Bayes and KMEANS clustering user portraits…

Original link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=24346 In today’s brand marketing stage where products are highly homogeneous, the competition between enterprises is concentrated in the competition for customers(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the complete Tag data). “Users are God” prompts many companies to compete for as many customers as possible at […]

The meaning of dom in javascript, dom in javascript

Hello everyone, this article will focus on the meaning of dom in javascript. dom in javascript is something that many people want to understand. To understand js domcontentloaded, you need to understand the following things first. The Document Object Model (DOM) is the programming interface for web pages. It provides a structured representation of the […]

[Image segmentation based on Kmeans, Kmeans++ and binary K-means algorithm] Data Mining Experiment 3

Article directory I. Project task requirements II. Principle description KMeans KMeans++ Bipartite K-means Evaluation index-silhouette coefficient III. Dataset description IV. Specific implementation process V. Result analysis VI, complete code VII. Deep learning and image segmentation (supplement) CNN 1. Convolutional Layer: 2. Activation Function: 3. Pooling Layer: 4. Fully Connected Layer: working principle: Split effect I. […]

Research on the detection effect of barcode detection based on Opencv+Kmeans+Zbar and barcode detection based on sharpening+bilateral Gaussian filtering+Zbar in industrial photovoltaic production lines

Article directory Preface 1 Barcode detection based on Opencv + Kmeans + Zbar 1.1 Barcode detection preprocessing 1.1.1 Template matching 1.1.2 Use K-mearn algorithm (clustering algorithm) to process barcode frames 1.2matplotlib visual barcode detection frame 1.3 Detection effect 2 Barcode detection based on sharpening + bilateral Gaussian filtering + Zbar Summarize Other articles Original statement: […]