Netty encoder and decoder

Article directory 1. Decoder principle and practice 1. ByteToMessageDecoder decoder 2. Custom integer decoder 1) Conventional way 2)ReplayingDecoder decoder 3. Packet decoder 3. MessageToMessageDecoder decoder 2. Netty’s built-in Decoder 1. LineBasedFrameDecoder decoder 2. DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder decoder 3. LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder decoder 3. Encoder Principle and Practice 1. MessageToByteEncoder encoder 2. MessageToMessageEncoder encoder 4. Combination of decoder and encoder […]

Numpy implements GPT’s decoder to generate old poems

numpy implements GPT’s decoder to generate old poems numpy_transformer/gpt/ at master · ZouJiu1/numpy_transformer ( Mainly using the neural network layer previously written in numpy, numpy_transformer/net at master · ZouJiu1/numpy_transformer (, including full connect, softmax, embedding, attention, and decoder layers. See the following for details. The train accuracy can reach 96%. 9. Is it a random […]

Numpy implements decoder version of gpt character training process

numpy implements decoder version of gpt character training process The first picture is the complete process, the second picture is the decoder, and the third picture is the encoder. The first thing given is the prediction of characters, and the prediction of articles is still being trained. The corresponding website is this: numpy_transformer/gpt_character at master […]

FFmpeg video decoder

FFmpeg video decoder_ffmpeg decoder-CSDN blog 1. Introduction to FFmpeg library 2.FFmpeg decoding function 2.1 FFmpeg decoding flow chart av_read_frame(): Loops to read data frame by frame, which is actually h264 code stream 2.2 Introduction to FFmpeg decoding function 3. Data structure of FFmpeg decoding Display timestamp: The minutes and seconds that this frame should be […]

Why is it said that Decoder and Encoder are the core components of Netty? How does Netty use the template method pattern to efficiently complete decoding and encoding? A thorough analysis in 10,000 words

The job of the Netty inbound processor is the packet decoding and business processing of the IO processing operation. During the inbound processing, the bottom layer of Netty first reads the ByteBuf binary data, and finally needs to convert it into a java POJO object. This process requires a Decoder to complete. The job of […]

DIP encoder and decoder neural network structure code with skip connections

“”” This code implements an encoder and decoder neural network structure with skip connections 1: Define a function skip that accepts a series of parameters to build the network 2: Ensure that the lengths of parameters num_channels_down, num_channels_up, and num_channels_skip are the same through assert, otherwise an exception will be thrown. Note: These three parameters […]

OpenFeign custom Decoder, parses the global public class to determine status and returns the data attribute

Need arises Use Feign to call the service interface to return a public class. Every time you use it, you need to judge the status and obtain data, which is very redundant. You can use a custom decoder Decoder to uniformly judge the status of the entity class and obtain data when the call returns. […]

Generating strategy for large model Decoder

This article will cover the following: Introduction Greedy Search beam search Sampling Top-K Sampling Top-p (nucleus) sampling Summary 1. Introduction 1. Introduction In recent years, open language generation has attracted increasing attention due to the rise of large-scale Transformer-based language models trained on millions of web page data, including OpenAI’s famous GPT2 model. Remarkable results […]

[Netty] ByteToMessageDecoder source code analysis

Table of Contents 1.Protocol Description 2. Implementation of class 3.Decoder workflow 4. Source code analysis 4.1 Accumulator (data accumulation buffer) 4.2 Status code description 4.3 ByteToMessageDecoder#channelRead 4.4 Decoder implementation example 5. How to develop your own Decoder 1.Protocol Description The Netty framework is based on the Java NIO framework. It has powerful performance and supports […]