Linux environment Centos7 installation MySQL5.7 (rpm-bundle.tar)

Table of Contents 1.Download 2. Uninstall 3.Installation 4.Connect 1.Download Official website address: Download results cd /usr/local mkdir mysql rz Upload the downloaded mysql package to the new /usr/local/mysql in linux upload completed 2.Uninstall Clear pre-installed mariadb or mysql 1. Query the installed mariadb and mysql rpm -aq|grep -i mariadb;rpm -aq|grep -i mysql; 2. Uninstall […]

, The use of rpm yum command and the meaning of parameters. 2. Upload the image to the virtual machine to build a local yum source. 3. The meaning of each parameter of the chown chomd command. 4. How to use the fdisk partd hard disk partition command? 5. In your own virtual

1. Use of rpm, yum commands, parameter meanings (1) The use of common rpm commands and the meaning of parameters Install a software package: rpm -i package.rpm: Install a software package. parameter: -i: Install the software package. –nodeps: Ignore dependencies. –force: Force installation even if the package is already installed. Upgrade software package: rpm -U […]

openEuler 22.03 LTS compiles, installs libreoffice and creates rpm package – the road to dream building

Environmental description Operating system: Huawei Euler operating system openEuler 22.03 lts x86_64 Libreoffice version: the latest version 7.6 Compilation and installation process 1. Install compilation tools and dependency packages sudo yum install -y snappy snappy-devel autoconf automake libtool git gcc gcc-c + + gcc-objc + + make cmake openssl openssl-devel zlib zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel bzip2-libs […]

[Linux] Save the rpm installation package locally and install it in batches

Table of Contents 1. Enable rpm installation package caching to the local warehouse 1. Modify the yum.conf file 2. Clear yum cache 3. Use the yum command to install the software package 2. How to save the rpm installation package to the specified directory Method 1: yumdownloader 1. Install yum-utils? 2. yumdownloader command parameter description […]

Install mysql through rpm installation method

1.4 Install MySQL 1.4.1 MySQL installation For the installation of the MySQL database, we will use the second installation method rpm explained earlier. So first, let’s understand what rpm? **RPM: ** stands for Red-Hat Package Manager, RPM package manager, which is a tool used by Red Hat Linux to manage and install software. We need […]

pg14 installation_rpm method

1. Preparation I found that rpm installation is useful in the production environment, so I organized the rpm installation steps to prepare the environment for walminer to restore data. 2. Installation package download contains multiple versions Only version 14 postgresql14-server-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm postgresql14-libs-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm postgresql14-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm postgresql14-contrib-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm 3. Environment preparation Environment preparation requires the root user to […]

PG14 installation_rpm method

1. Preparation I found that rpm installation is useful in the production environment, so I organized the rpm installation steps to prepare the environment for walminer to restore data. 2. Installation package download contains multiple versions Only version 14 postgresql14-server-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm postgresql14-libs-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm postgresql14-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm postgresql14-contrib-14.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm 3. Environment preparation Environment preparation requires the root user to […]

How to install MySQL (rpm version) in Linux system…How to solve dependency problems? error: Failed dependencies

Table of Contents 1. Install MySQL (1) Uninstall the MySQL that comes with the system 1. Check the default installed mysql version rpm -qa | grep mariadb 2. Uninstall the built-in mysql version rpm -e –nodeps mariadb-libs (2) Upload and decompress MySQL 1. Upload mysql Click New File Transfer (Ctrl + Alt + F) Click […]

Microservice project rpm package

1. Demand scenario Recently, the company’s project has been launched, and the deployment environment is Zhongke Fangde’s confidential version and Dameng’s secure version; the customer requires that intranet deployment does not use Docker and does not directly use shell scripts for execution. It is recommended to use rpm packages to deploy projects. You may have […]

Centos7 installs MySQL8.0 (RPM method)

Installation package selection Why use rpm? Software installation on the Linux series generally involves source code compilation and installation, rpm (or dpkg), yum, etc. The advantages and disadvantages are mainly reflected in whether a network environment is required, whether dependencies can be automatically detected, and whether it is convenient to upgrade and uninstall. As a […]