openEuler 22.03 LTS compiles, installs libreoffice and creates rpm package – the road to dream building

Environmental description Operating system: Huawei Euler operating system openEuler 22.03 lts x86_64 Libreoffice version: the latest version 7.6 Compilation and installation process 1. Install compilation tools and dependency packages sudo yum install -y snappy snappy-devel autoconf automake libtool git gcc gcc-c + + gcc-objc + + make cmake openssl openssl-devel zlib zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel bzip2-libs […]

Java implements word excel ppt template rendering, export and preview LibreOffice jodconverter

Java Office 1. Document format conversion Document format conversion is an operation that is often required in office operations, such as converting docx documents into pdf format. Java has many operating methods in this regard, which can be roughly divided into internal calls (no need to install additional software) and external calls (need to install […]

Offline compilation of libreoffice- and kkfileview deployment on Galaxy Kirin V10SP1 for ARM version to achieve online viewing function

Compile libreoffice- and configure kkfileview The following documents are required, kkFileView-4.0.0-You can use the .tar.gz file to add the configuration file libreoffice- is the libreoffice source file and needs to be compiled libreoffice-external-tar.tar.gz is a related component required by the libreoffice program libreoffice-yum-new.tar.gz Components for compiler environment autogen .input decompresses the libreoffice source file and […]

Linux environment Libreoffice realizes online preview of Word, Excel, etc.

Directory Convert to PDF 1. Install libreoffice on Linux Two, Java code implementation The introduction here is to realize the preview after converting word, Excel, ppt, txt and png images into PDF files under the linux environment (similar to the windows environment). Due to the need to convert to a PDF file, when the Excel […]