Linux environment Centos7 installation MySQL5.7 (rpm-bundle.tar)

Table of Contents 1.Download 2. Uninstall 3.Installation 4.Connect 1.Download Official website address: Download results cd /usr/local mkdir mysql rz Upload the downloaded mysql package to the new /usr/local/mysql in linux upload completed 2.Uninstall Clear pre-installed mariadb or mysql 1. Query the installed mariadb and mysql rpm -aq|grep -i mariadb;rpm -aq|grep -i mysql; 2. Uninstall […]

Unity AssetBundle batch packaging and loading (scene, Prefab) complete process

Directory 1. Article introduction 2. Specific ideas and writing methods (1) Packing of AB bags (2) Loading of AB package (3) AB package uninstallation 3. Conclusion 1. Article introduction This blog is mainly for recording and learning. It briefly introduces the batch packaging of AB packages and the method of loading AB packages. If you […]

Unity AssetBundle packaging

1, Concept and function of AssetBundle AssetBundle is an archive file, a resource compression package provided by Unity for storing resources, which can include models, textures, audio, prefabs, etc. The AssetBundle system in Unity is an extension of resource management. By distributing resources in different AB packages, it can minimize the memory pressure at runtime. […]

Unity Assetbundle Scene packaging and loading Pack using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public class AssetBundleTest : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem(“Custom Editor/AssetBundle/Bundle Scene”)] static void CreateSceneALL() { //Clear the cache Caching.CleanCache(); List<BundleData> strmes = GetSelectionFile(“.unity”); Debug.Log(strmes.Count); if (strmes.Count <= 0) return; string Path=string.Empty; string filepath = PlayerPrefs.GetString(“Path”); foreach (var item in strmes) { //Method to get the […]

CentOS 7.6 uses mysql-8.0.31-1.el7.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar to install Mysql 8.0 is the official website of the community version. You can choose the version to download. cat /etc/redhat-release can see that the system version is CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core), uname -r can see The version is 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64. yum remove -y mysql-libsUninstall some components installed by default mariadb. wget and install components. mkdir /mysql8031Create […]

Unity AssetBundle(1):Assets packaging and dependencies (Dependencies)

I have a little understanding of the AssetBundle dependency mechanism after Unity5.x, and created a project for verification github:GeWenL / AssetBundlePro AbScene.unity What are the resources? Some common types of Asset The assetbundle packaging command is BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles, and the format is: Quote: Improper handling of dependencies is an important cause of resource redundancy. My test […]

Unity – Asset Bundles

For many stand-alone games, all the resources of the game are often released together with the game body, and the resources do not need to be independent. But for large-scale commercial projects, game products still need to be maintained and updated after release, which leads to the concept of Unity asset package 1. Asset Bundles […]

Bundle of cocosCreator (2)

Version: v3.4.0 Reference: Asset Bundle Introduction Regarding Bundle, it can be understood as resource modularization, which allows developers to divide resources such as textures and scripts into multiple different Bundles according to project requirements. During the running of the project, load different Bundles according to the requirements, so as to reduce the number of resources […]

Unable to find bundled Java version => Mac Flutter problem Android Studio Arctic Fox 2022.2

Terminal: flutter doctor View flutter development environment Pro:~ w$: flutter doctor Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [?] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.10.6, on macOS 13.4.1 22F770820d darwin-x64, locale zh-Hans-CN) [!] Android toolchain – develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3) ? cmdline-tools component is missing Run `path/to/sdkmanager –install “cmdline-tools;latest”` See […]

Unity AssetBundleBrowser plugin

AssetBundle Features 1. The AB package can store most of the Unity resources but cannot directly store C# scripts, so the hot update of the code needs to use Lua or store the compiled DLL file, as well as the HybridCLR hot update plug-in, and the code resources can be hot updated. 2. The AB […]