[C++ code] Merge intervals, use the minimum number of arrows, divide strings, monitor binary trees, greedy algorithms – Code Thoughts

In the explanation [Greedy Algorithm: Rebuilding the Queue Based on Height, we mentioned that using vector (dynamic array in C++) to perform insert operations is time-consuming. Intuitively, the insert operation of the array is O(n), and the time complexity of the overall code is O(n^2). For ordinary arrays, once the size is defined, it cannot […]

Javascript uses canvas to draw curves, arrows, etc. between two points

Javascript uses canvas to draw curves and rectangles between two points, and draw text in the rectangle to achieve center alignment and arrow drawing. The effect is as shown below: 1. HTML, the code is as follows <canvas id=”canvas” width=”1000″ height=”600″></canvas> 2. The css code is as follows: canvas {<!– –> display: block; width: 1000px; […]

[Practical combat] Flowing arrows – linear flow component (repeating-linear-gradient, @keyFrames)

Article directory 1. Introduction 2. Component ideas 3. Effect drawing 4. Source code src\components\flow-arrow\index.js src\components\flow-arrow\keyFrames.js src\components\flow-arrow\constant.js Component call 5. Extend learning 1.repeating-linear-gradient 2.animation 3.@keyFrames Obtain component source code: Recommended books “Next.js in practice” 【brief introduction】 1. Introduction In large-screen data display, if the data in different data layers is displayed by nodes, in order to […]

[CSS 29] tooltip tooltip text additional information visibility position positioning use pseudo-element space-like content attribute and border to create arrows fade in tooltip opacity from 0 to 1

CSS tooltip tooltip tooltip tooltip Creating Tooltips via CSS (Tooltip) Tooltips are often used to provide additional information about something when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element Basic tooltip Create a tooltip that is displayed when the mouse is over an element <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> .tooltip {<!– –> position: relative; display: […]

How to use C++ language to realize the effect of using arrows to select and enter in the console

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. How to generate it can refer to the help document on the right Article directory foreword 1. Picture demonstration 2. Code demo 3. Summary Foreword How to use C++ language to achieve the effect of using arrows to select back and […]

Greedy Algorithm part4 | 860. Lemonade change 406. Rebuild the queue according to height 452. Detonate the balloon with the least number of arrows

Article directory 860. Change for Lemonade train of thought idea code 406. Rebuild the queue based on height train of thought idea code official solution the code difficulty 452. Detonate a balloon with the fewest number of arrows train of thought idea code official solution the code difficulty Harvest today 860. Change for lemonade 860. […]

Use svg to draw connection arrows directly on elements

Note: The point position coordinates of the svg graphic drawing are based on the position coordinates of the canvas, which is equivalent to starting from the point in the upper left corner. Let’s start with a simple example: Draw connecting arrows between points <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge”> <meta name=”viewport” […]

1. The Element-UI tabs label realizes clicking the left and right arrows to switch between the left and right tabs by selection (normally, it will only switch to the blank tab bar behind and will not be selected) … 2. The tabs are switched differently template style

<!– Navigation bar –> <div class=”TAb”> <div class=”xiangzuo” @click=”leftChange()”> <!– left arrow –> <i class=”el-icon-arrow-left”></i> </div> <el-tabs class=”TAB” v-model=”activeIndex” @tab-click=”handleClick” scrollable=”true”> <el-tab-pane v-for=”(item, index) in data” :key=”item.id” :label=”item.label” :name=”index.toString()”> <!– Define different switching list styles and switch the slots used by different styles (you can not write if there is no such requirement)–> <slot :name=”item.label” […]

[vue3] Realize the el-tree component, modify the arrows of different levels into the component encapsulation and call of the custom icon

1. Legend Two, el-tree related settings 1. Realize that only click the icon but not the text to expand the next level node <el-tree :expand-on-click-node=”false”></el-tree> 2. Realize the bold effect of the first layer of text <el-tree :props=”{class: customNodeClass}”></el-tree> <script lang=’ts’ setup> import { onMounted, reactive } from ‘vue’; const person = reactive({ treeData:[ { […]

QPainterPath generates bendable 2D attack arrows

drawarrow(QVector<QPoint> vec_point ) const { QVector<QPoint> arrow_points; if(vec_point. size()<2) { return QPainterPath(); } float x1,y1,x2,y2; if(vec_point.size()==2)//a straight line { QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(vec_point[0]); path.lineTo(vec_point[1]); return path; } if(vec_point.size()==3)//straight arrow { x1 = (vec_point[0].x() + vec_point[1].x())/2; y1 = (vec_point[0].y() + vec_point[1].y())/2; x2 = vec_point[2].x(); y2 = vec_point[2].y(); double angle; if(vec_point. size()>2) { angle = atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1); } […]