selenium waits for element loading, element manipulation, js execution, switching tabs, logging into cnblogs (chrome), and drawer semi-automatic likes

selenium waits for elements to load Code operations are very fast ? \dashrightarrow ? Some tags have not been loaded yet ? \dashrightarrow ? Can’t find it even if I look for it ? \dashrightarrow ? will report an error Set wait: show wait, hermit wait # Search for a certain tag. If it cannot […]

Public Tabs component encapsulation

<view class=”tabs”> <view class=”tabs_title”> <view bindtap=”handleItemTap” data-index=”{<!– –>{index}}” wx:for=”{<!– –>{tabs}}” wx:key=”id” class=”title_item {<!– –>{item.isActive?’active’:”}}”> {<!– –>{<!– –>item.value}} </view> </view> <view class=”tabs_content”> <slot></slot> </view> </view> // components/Tabs/Tabs.js Component({<!– –> /** * Component property list */ properties: {<!– –> tabs:Array, value:[] }, /** * Initial data of the component */ data: {<!– –> }, /** * Component […]

Vue2x el-tabs dynamically add and delete tabs

1. Demand There is a new requirement for the online sql page in the project. It is necessary to display the results of sql execution. Each time it is executed, a result tab page needs to be displayed, with a maximum of 10, so that it is convenient to view the execution results, as shown […]

[Python Automation] Playwright Long Screenshot & Switching Tabs & JS Injection Practice

Foreword The playwright version used in the current tutorial is 1.37.0, and the selenium version is 3.141.0 Official documentation: The directory of this tutorial is as follows Article directory Preface Playwright various screenshots source code reading Screenshot under ElementHandle class Screenshots under Page class Screenshot under Locator class Quickly use the screenshot function with […]

A brief taste of ElementUI 31: Tabs tab page

Tab component: separates collections of data that are related in content but belong to different categories. Commonly found in website content information classification or app content information tab classification 1. How to use? The Tabs component provides the tab function. The first tab is selected by default. You can also specify the currently selected tab […]

Solve the problem of using the echart chart to set the width to 100% in the <el-tabs> <el-tab-pane> tag of element, and the result displays 100px

Reference: Question When using the echart chart in element’s tag, the chart width is set to width: 100%, but the rendered width becomes width: 100px, % becomes px 2. Key code Use the tag in the index.vue page, and introduce the echart chart component page into this tag <template> <el-tabs v-model=”activeName” @tab-click=”handleTabChange” style=”font-size: 22px;”> […]

vant van-tabs van-pull-refresh van-list tab bar + pull-up loading + pull-down refresh

<template> <div class=”huibj”> <div class=”listtab”> <!–Top Navigation–> <div class=”topdh”> <topnav topname=”Balance Details”></topnav> </div> <!–Tab label–> <van-tabs v-model=”yeactive” @change=”Tabnav”> <van-tab v-for=”(item,index) in yetabList” :key=”index” :title=”item.title” :name=””> </van-tab> </van-tabs> </div> <div class=”ye_mxlist”> <van-pull-refresh v-model=”ye_isLoading” success-text=”Refresh successfully” @refresh=”ye_onRefresh”> <van-list v-model=”ye_loading” :finished=”ye_finished” finished-text=”– END –” @load=”ye_onLoad”> <van-cell v-for=”(item,index) in ye_list” :key=”index”> <div class=”ye_dljl_mx” @click=”goyuemx(item)” style=”height: 40px”> {<!– –>{index}} </div> […]

uniapp slide left and right to switch pages and switch tabs

Realize the effect as shown in the figure To achieve the left and right sliding switch inside the bottom to drive the switch of the upper tab bar, and the content below needs to be scrolled vertically, so the combination of swiper, swiper-item, and scroll-view is required tab column part <view class=”tabs”> <view class=”tab_item” v-for=”(item,index) […]