Section 10: Use iframe to display list without paging

renderings 1. Use iframe to introduce the page area_qysyb2: function() { $(“#_result”).css(‘width’, ‘100%’); $(“#_result”).css(‘height’, ‘100%’); var page = ` <div style=”width:100%; height:100%”> <iframe frameborder=”no” scrolling-y=”yes” allowtransparency=”yes” src=”../business/ak_business/html/ak_xmtj/ak_qysybtj.html?type=${ak_right. type2}” style=”list-style:none;width:100%;height:100%;”></iframe> </div>`; $(‘#_result’).html(page); var docuWidth = $(document).width(); _slipWin.upws(docuWidth * 0.27);; }, 2.html page Write an hrml page introduced by iframe <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″ […]

Section 9 Use iframe to display list with paging

renderings 1. Use iframe to introduce the page //Initialize the page on the right createHtml: function(flag) { $(“#_result”).css(‘width’,’100%’); $(“#_result”).css(‘height’,’100%’); if(flag) { var page = ` <div style=”width:100%; height:100%”> <iframe frameborder=”no” scrolling-y=”yes” allowtransparency=”yes” src=”../business/ak_business/html/ak_xmtj/ak_fxpgjgtj.html?” style=”list-style:none;width:100%;height:100%;”></iframe> </div>`; }else { var page = ` <div style=”width:100%; height:100%”> <iframe frameborder=”no” scrolling-y=”yes” allowtransparency=”yes” src=”../business/ak_business/html/ak_xmtj/ak_fxsjjgtj.html?” style=”list-style:none;width:100%;height:100%;”></iframe> </div>`; } $(‘#_result’).html(page); var docuWidth […]

Layui sidebar shrinks and expands, and clicks on the sidebar menu to switch iframe in the main content area

Without further ado, let’s go straight to the code (the code is a bit long), and the renderings are attached at the back. Pay attention to the annotations in the code. I hope it can help friends in need! ! ! ! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <title>layout Large layout example of management interface […]

A new micro front-end solution based on iframe

Author: damyxu, Tencent PCG front-end development engineer iframe is a natural micro front-end solution, but it cannot be applied well due to strict cross-domain restrictions. This article introduces a new micro front-end solution based on iframe, which inherits the advantages of iframe, makes up for the shortcomings of iframe, and makes iframe glow. newborn. Background […]

Use iframe in the page

start Task requirements: I hope to embed an iframe page in the parent page, but I don’t know enough about iframe before. Let’s study iframe today; Ideas The first distinction between iframes is whether they have the same origin. I will analyze the interaction and communication between the page and the iframe in two cases: […]

Let iframe add more possibilities to your project

I’ve been studying micro frontends recently. I think theoretically, iframe is the most ideal combination technology for micro front-end. Using iframe can embed one page into another page, and it has the same loose coupling and high robustness as link integration. iframe has extremely strong isolation, and everything that happens in it will only affect […]

JavaScript iframe

1. iframe tag 1. Definition and usage The iframe tag is used to define an inline frame, which is a page embedded in another page. like: <iframe src=”//”></iframe> There are many web pages that look like one web page, but in fact they may have other web pages embedded in them. The tag can embed […]

js ajax request interception, request loading animation, multi-page hash virtual routing (implemented by iframe)

As the title says, there are so many functions. For business reasons, some redundant judgments are embedded in it. When using it, refer to it and delete the redundant code (() => { let loadingDom = $(` <div class=’ajax-loading’style=”display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;flex-direction: column;position:fixed;left:0;right:0;bottom:0; top:0;z-index:9999999999999;display:none”> <div style=”display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;flex-direction: column;width:120px;height:120px;border-radius: 17px;box-shadow: 0px 2px 16px 1px […]