Section 9 Use iframe to display list with paging


1. Use iframe to introduce the page

//Initialize the page on the right
createHtml: function(flag) {
if(flag) {
var page = `
<div style="width:100%; height:100%">
<iframe frameborder="no" scrolling-y="yes" allowtransparency="yes" src="../business/ak_business/html/ak_xmtj/ak_fxpgjgtj.html?"
}else {
var page = `
<div style="width:100%; height:100%">
<iframe frameborder="no" scrolling-y="yes" allowtransparency="yes" src="../business/ak_business/html/ak_xmtj/ak_fxsjjgtj.html?"
var docuWidth = $(document).width();

According to the business distinction, the flag is judged to refer to different pages. This code is triggered in the three-dimensional part, and the referenced page is within the business page structure.

2.html page

HTML page introduced by iframe

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/rightPage_common.css"/>
<style type="text/css">
<body class="page-header-fixed page-sidebar-closed-hide-logo page-sidebar-closed-hide-logo" style="background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); ">
<!--#include virtual="../../common/head_global.html"-->
<!--#include virtual="../../common/head_theme.html"-->
<!-- Risk event organization statistics -->
<div class="panel-heading">
<span id="head_title"></span>
<img id="imgSlide" src="../../../build/slipWin/up.png">
<span id="head_total"></span>
<div class="panel-body" id="slide_body" style="display: none;">
<form id="formSearch" class="form-horizontal">
<div class="form-group" style="margin-top:3px;opacity: 0.7;">
<!-- Risk level -->
<div class="col-md-2">
<select id="severityCode" class="form-control" placeholder=""></select>
<!-- Risk status -->
<div class="col-md-2">
<select id="state" class="form-control" data-size="3">
<option value ="">All risk status</option>
<option value ="10">New</option>
<option value ="20">Tracking in progress</option>
<option value ="30">Disposal completed</option>
<div class="form-group" style="margin-top:3px;opacity: 0.7;">
<!-- Unit level -->
<div class="col-md-2">
<select id="unitHierarchy" class="form-control" placeholder=""></select>
<!-- Categories of risk events -->
<div class="col-md-2">
<select id="riskEventFirst" class="form-control" data-size="3"></select>
<!-- Country/Province and City -->
<div class="form-group" style="margin-top:3px;opacity: 0.7;">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select id="areaSecondCode" class="form-control" placeholder=""></select>
<div class="col-md-2"></div>
<!-- Query icon -->
<!-- <div class="form-group" style="margin-top:3px;opacity: 0.75;">
<div class="col-md-2" style="display: flex;justify-content: start;position: relative;width: 94%;">
<input type="text" class="form-control serach_input" id="projectName" placeholder="Please enter the project name:" autocomplete="off">
<a href="javaScripts:;" class="serach_img" id="btn_query1"></a>
</div> -->
<div class="form-group" style="margin-top:3px;margin-bottom: 0;justify-content: start;">
<div class="col-md-3" style="margin-left: 8px;">
<button type="button" id="btn_query" class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-left:5px;background-color: #1a4264;" >Query</button >
<button type="button" id="btn_reset" class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-left:5px;background-color: #1a4264;" >Reset</ button>
<div id="body"></div>
<!-- Interestingly, the bottom.html file will only take effect if it is created in the html directory. -->
<!--#include virtual="../../common/bottom.html"-->
<script src="../../common/assets/global/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-paginator.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/ak_xmtj/ak_fxsjjgtj.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

3. Script

Initialize query conditions and call background interface methods

//Receive request parameters
initSearch: function() {
this.offset = this.pagesize * ( - 1);
ak_fxsjjgtj.temp = {
limit: 10,
offset: this.offset,
severityCode: $("#severityCode").val(), // Risk level
state: $("#state").val(), // Risk state
unitHierarchy: $("#unitHierarchy").val(), // unit hierarchy
riskEventFirst: $("#riskEventFirst").val(), // Risk event categories
// name: $("#projectName").val(), // Project name in Chinese
areaSecondCode: $("#areaSecondCode").val(), // country/province/city
ak_fxsjjgtj.getDate(); // Request list data

Call the backend interface and pass the obtained data to the callback function

// Request list data interface query
getDate: function() {
var options = new Object();
options.url = "/manage-api/TRiskTjfxController/getRiskEventCountry";
options.type = "GET"; = ak_fxsjjgtj.temp;
options.errorback = akglobe_config.errBack;
options.callback = function(data) {
// If it is a test environment, use fake data

Call the initialization html and initialization paging methods in the callback function

if(!data) return;
$("#head_total").text(`(${})`); // Total number next to the title
ak_fxsjjgtj.initList(data); // Initialize html content
ak_fxsjjgtj.initPage(data); // Initialize paging


//Initialize html content
initList: function(data) {
var data = data.rows;
var html = "";
html + = "<div id='pageid_obstacle' style='overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;margin-top:10px;'>";
html + = ak_fxsjjgtj.htmlTable(data); // List and paging html structure.
html + = "</div>";
html + = "<div id='pagebottom_poi' class="pageListbottom"></div>";
html + = `<div id="Paginator" style="text-align: center"> <ul id="pageLimit"></ul> </div>`;
htmlTable: function(r) {
var comlist = r;
var length = r.length;
var table = [];
for(var i=0;i< length;i + + ){
var db = comlist[i];
var code = db.code; // Country/province and city code
var name =; // name
//Exceeding characters are represented by ellipsis
if(name) {
if(name.length > 15) {
name = name.substr(0, 15) + '...';
name = "";
var num = db.num; // quantity
var x = db.x; // latitude
var y = db.y; // longitude
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(db); // Convert json object to json string
var index = i + 1;
\t\t\t// first row
table.push("<div style='position:relative'><input type='button' class='callBack_button1' style='width:80%;height:27px;margin-left : 10%;' value='" + name + "' onclick='ak_fxsjjgtj.handleEvent(" + jsonstr + ")' />");
table.push("<div style='position: absolute;width: 30px;height: 20px;top: 4px;left: 10%;color: #0a69fb;background-color: #d6c6ff;border-bottom-right -radius: 50%;border-top-right-radius: 50%;text-align: center;line-height: 20px;'>" + index + "</div>");
\t\t\t// second line
table.push("<div style='width: 80%;height: 30px;margin:0 auto;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items: center;font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 10px;'>");
table.push("<div style=''><span style='color:#fff'>Quantity:</span> & amp;nbsp;<a style='color:white;\ '>" + num + "</a></div>");
table.push("<div style=''><a style='color: #00FFFF' src='javaScript:;' onclick='ak_fxsjjgtj.handleEvent2(" + code + \ ")'>Risk events</a></div>");
return table.join("");

Set paging defaults in global variables

page: 1, // current page number
pagesize: 10, // number of lines per page
offset: 0, // used to calculate the current page number

Initialize paging

//Initialize paging
initPage: function(data) {
data.currenPage = parseInt(data.currenPage/this.pagesize + 1);
if(data.currenPage == 1 || data.currenPage == data.pageCount) {
var currenPage = data.currenPage;
}else if(data.currenPage == 0){
var currenPage = data.currenPage + 1;
}else {
var currenPage = data.currenPage;
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3, //Corresponding bootstrap version
currentPage: currentPage, //current page
totalPages: data.pageCount == 0 ? 1 : data.pageCount, // Total number of pages
size:"normal", //Page size
numberOfPages: 5, //Number of pages displayed
// itemTexts: function (type, page, current) {
// switch (type) {
// case "first": return "Home";
// case "prev": return "previous page";
// case "next": return "next page";
// case "last": return "last page";
// case "page": return page;
// }
// },
*Page click event
* @param event [jquery object]
* @param originalEvent [dom native object]
* @param type [button type]
* @param page [the page number corresponding to the click button]
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
// render(page);//Render the page based on the number of clicked pages = page; // Number of clicked pages
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters

4. Complete js script

//National statistics of risk events
var ak_fxsjjgtj = {
temp: null, // National statistics of risk events request parameters
temp2: null, // Parameters specially used to handle all data annotations
page: 1, // current page number
pagesize: 10, // number of lines per page
offset: 0, // used to calculate the current page number
init: function() {
$("#head_title").text("Statistics on the number of countries with risk events"); // Title
this.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
this.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
this.ButtonInit(); // Initialize Button's click event
//this.initSelect(); // Initialize the drop-down box
// this.initDatepicker(); // Initialize time control
this.initSlide(); // Initialization conditions for sliding and sliding out
//Initialize time control
initDatepicker:function (){
// Date control initialization
format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
language: 'zh-CN',
$("#startTime").datepicker("setEndDate", $("#startTime").val())
format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
language: 'zh-CN',
//Initialization conditions for sliding and sliding out
initSlide: function() {
// title
var img = $("#imgSlide").attr("src");
if(img == '../../../build/slipWin/down.png') {
$("#imgSlide").attr("src", '../../../build/slipWin/up.png');
}else {
$("#imgSlide").attr("src", '../../../build/slipWin/down.png');
//Initialize the drop-down box
initSelect: function() {
// risk level
var options=new Object();
options.defualtOption="All risk levels"; = {
codeSetId: 'fxdj'
// unit level
var options=new Object();
options.defualtOption="All unit levels"; = {
codeSetId: 'dwcj'
// Risk event categories
var options=new Object();
options.defualtOption="All risk event categories"; = {
codeSetId: 'fxsjfl',
parentId: '0'
var options = new Object();
options.url = "/manage-api/TRiskDictionController/TObjSelect";
options.defualtOption = "All countries/provinces and cities"; = {
codeSetId: 'gjdq',
} = "areaSecondCode";
// Generic function to obtain iframe nested page parameter values
getQuery: function(url, name) {
// console.log(url);
var index = url.indexOf('?'); // Get the position of ?
// If there are no parameters, return null
if (index !== -1) {
var query = url.substring(index + 1).split(' & amp;'); // Intercept the string and split the string into an array
// console.log(query) // (2)['pageIndex=1', 'pageSize=10']
for (let i = 0; i < query.length; i + + ) {
// console.log(query[i].split('='))
var itemArr = query[i].split('=') // Split the key-value pair of each parameter,
if (itemArr[0] === name) { // Determine whether it is the key name you are looking for
return itemArr[1] // Return the value of the corresponding key-value pair
return null
//Receive request parameters
initSearch: function() {
this.offset = this.pagesize * ( - 1);
ak_fxsjjgtj.temp = {
limit: 10,
offset: this.offset,
severityCode: $("#severityCode").val(), // Risk level
state: $("#state").val(), // Risk state
unitHierarchy: $("#unitHierarchy").val(), // unit hierarchy
riskEventFirst: $("#riskEventFirst").val(), // Risk event categories
// name: $("#projectName").val(), // Project name in Chinese
areaSecondCode: $("#areaSecondCode").val(), // country/province/city
ak_fxsjjgtj.getDate(); // Request list data
//Request list data interface query
getDate: function() {
var options = new Object();
options.url = "/manage-api/TRiskTjfxController/getRiskEventCountry";
options.type = "GET"; = ak_fxsjjgtj.temp;
options.errorback = akglobe_config.errBack;
options.callback = function(data) {
// If it is a test environment, use fake data
if(!data) return;
$("#head_total").text(`(${})`); // Total number next to the title
ak_fxsjjgtj.initList(data); // Initialize html content
ak_fxsjjgtj.initPage(data); // Initialize paging
// Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
initSearch2: function() {
ak_fxsjjgtj.temp2 = {
severityCode: $("#severityCode").val(), // Risk level
state: $("#state").val(), // Risk state
unitHierarchy: $("#unitHierarchy").val(), // unit hierarchy
riskEventFirst: $("#riskEventFirst").val(), // Risk event categories
// name: $("#projectName").val(), // Project name in Chinese
areaSecondCode: $("#areaSecondCode").val(), // country/province/city
ak_fxsjjgtj.getDate2(); // All data annotation data interface
//All data annotation data interface
getDate2: function() {
var options = new Object();
options.url = "/manage-api/TRiskTjfxController/getRiskEventCountry";
options.type = "GET"; = ak_fxsjjgtj.temp2;
options.errorback = akglobe_config.errBack;
options.callback = function(data) {
// If it is a test environment, use fake data
if(!data) return;
parent.ak_left_click4.top3CallBackFxsj(data.rows); // Initialize 3D annotation
//Initialize html content
initList: function(data) {
var data = data.rows;
var html = "";
html + = "<div id='pageid_obstacle' style='overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;margin-top:10px;'>";
html + = ak_fxsjjgtj.htmlTable(data); // List and paging html structure.
html + = "</div>";
html + = "<div id='pagebottom_poi' class="pageListbottom"></div>";
html + = `<div id="Paginator" style="text-align: center"> <ul id="pageLimit"></ul> </div>`;
htmlTable: function(r) {
var comlist = r;
var length = r.length;
var table = [];
for(var i=0;i< length;i + + ){
var db = comlist[i];
var code = db.code; // Country/province and city code
var name =; // name
//Exceeding characters are represented by ellipsis
if(name) {
if(name.length > 15) {
name = name.substr(0, 15) + '...';
name = "";
var num = db.num; // quantity
var x = db.x; // latitude
var y = db.y; // longitude
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(db); // Convert json object to json string
var index = i + 1;
\t\t\t// first row
table.push("<div style='position:relative'><input type='button' class='callBack_button1' style='width:80%;height:27px;margin-left : 10%;' value='" + name + "' onclick='ak_fxsjjgtj.handleEvent(" + jsonstr + ")' />");
table.push("<div style='position: absolute;width: 30px;height: 20px;top: 4px;left: 10%;color: #0a69fb;background-color: #d6c6ff;border-bottom-right -radius: 50%;border-top-right-radius: 50%;text-align: center;line-height: 20px;'>" + index + "</div>");
\t\t\t// second line
table.push("<div style='width: 80%;height: 30px;margin:0 auto;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items: center;font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 10px;'>");
table.push("<div style=''><span style='color:#fff'>Quantity:</span> & amp;nbsp;<a style='color:white;\ '>" + num + "</a></div>");
table.push("<div style=''><a style='color: #00FFFF' src='javaScript:;' onclick='ak_fxsjjgtj.handleEvent2(" + code + \ ")'>Risk events</a></div>");
return table.join("");
//The child page passes the value to the parent page
handleEvent: function (jsonstr) {
// parent.ak_left_click3.clearTop2fgs();
// parent.ak_fgsObject_position.getData5(jsonstr); // Directly call the method of the parent element
parent.ak_commonQuery.clicklabelNewCountry(jsonstr); // Directly call the method of the parent element
// Jump to the details page
handleEvent2: function(id) {
var db = {};
db.areaSecondCode = id; // Country/province and city code
db.levelCode = $("#severityCode").val(); // Risk level
db.state = $("#state").val(); // Risk state
db.unitHierarchy = $("#unitHierarchy").val(); // unit hierarchy
db.riskEventFirst = $("#riskEventFirst").val(); // Risk event categories
akglobe_config.setDDoptions(db, "ak_fxsjjgtjList"); // Set the parameters to be passed + 'ak_business/html/ak_fxpg/ak_fxsjjgtjList.html');
//Initialize paging
initPage: function(data) {
data.currenPage = parseInt(data.currenPage/this.pagesize + 1);
if(data.currenPage == 1 || data.currenPage == data.pageCount) {
var currenPage = data.currenPage;
}else if(data.currenPage == 0){
var currenPage = data.currenPage + 1;
}else {
var currenPage = data.currenPage;
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3, //Corresponding bootstrap version
currentPage: currentPage, //current page
totalPages: data.pageCount == 0 ? 1 : data.pageCount, // Total number of pages
size:"normal", //Page size
numberOfPages: 5, //Number of pages displayed
// itemTexts: function (type, page, current) {
// switch (type) {
// case "first": return "Home";
// case "prev": return "previous page";
// case "next": return "next page";
// case "last": return "last page";
// case "page": return page;
// }
// },
*Page click event
* @param event [jquery object]
* @param originalEvent [dom native object]
* @param type [button type]
* @param page [the page number corresponding to the click button]
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
// render(page);//Render the page based on the number of clicked pages = page; // Number of clicked pages
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
//Initialize Button's click event
ButtonInit: function() {
// Query button
$("#btn_query").click(function () {
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
$("#btn_query1").click(function () {
ak_fxpgjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxpgjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
//reset button
$("#btn_reset").click(function () {
$("#severityCode").val(''); // Risk level
$("#state").val(''); // Risk state
$("#unitHierarchy").val(''); // Unit hierarchy
$("#riskEventFirst").val(''); // Risk event categories
$("#areaSecondCode").val(''); // Country/province and city
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSelect(); // Initialize the drop-down box
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
// Risk level drop-down box changes
$("#severityCode").change(function () {
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
// Risk status drop-down box changes
$("#state").change(function () {
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
// Unit level drop-down box changes
$("#unitHierarchy").change(function () {
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
// Risk event categories drop-down box changes
$("#riskEventFirst").change(function () {
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
// Country/province and city drop-down box changes
$("#areaSecondCode").change(function () {
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch(); // Receive request parameters
ak_fxsjjgtj.initSearch2(); // Receive parameter 2 of the request, specifically all data is marked.
//Convert date format (timestamp to datetime format)
changeDateFormat2:function (cellval) {
var dateVal = cellval + "";
if (cellval != null) {
var date = new Date(parseInt(dateVal.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10));
var month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1;
var currentDate = date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + date.getDate() : date.getDate();
var hours = date.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + date.getHours() : date.getHours();
var minutes = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes();
var seconds = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds();
return date.getFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + currentDate + " ";