Git version control system branches and tags (version)

Table of Contents 1. Git branch (Branch) 1.1 Branch function 1.2 Four branch management strategies 1.3 Use cases 1.3.1 Instructions 1.3.2 Use in combination with application scenarios 2. Git tag (Tag) 2.1 Label function 2.2 Label specifications 2.3 Use cases 2.3.1 Instructions 2.3.2 Usage examples 1. Git Branch (Branch) Branching is a key concept when […]

HTML tags, lists, tables related

Classification of HTML tags HTML tags can be divided into the following categories: Title tag: used to define the title of the web page, divided into h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. Paragraph tag: used to define paragraphs of text, commonly used p tags. Link tag: used to define links, the commonly used one […]

HTML5: Use of list, table, and form tags

Table of Contents 1. Use of list tags 1.1 Unordered list ul 1.2 Ordered list ol 1.3 Definition list dl 2. Use of table labels 3. Use of form tags 1. Use of list tags 1.1 Unordered List ul Unordered list ul (unordered list) type can change the list flag item disc (default value) circle […]

Extract yolov5 tags from .json to train the model to recognize traffic signs

1. Extract yolov5 tags from annotations.json as data set tags Code explanation 1. The keys in the dictionary represent the categories of traffic signs. import json import os json_file_path = ‘./.json’ #Specify the folder path to save the txt file txt_folder_path = ‘D:\execre\Practical_training/out1’ #Create a mapping dictionary from category to index category_to_index = { ‘pl40’: […]

Use of structure tags in go language

Tags in go are used in structures. Has two functions: (1) Give structure attributes aliases and field mapping. Different types correspond to different values, such as xml, yaml, json, etc., which correspond to different areas. Of course, the labels are also different. For example, json and bson are all conventional. (2) Make attribute judgment and […]

Spring source code analysis – use of AOP and AOP custom tags

Text We know that there are some disadvantages in object-oriented OOP programming. When we need to introduce the same public behavior for multiple objects that do not have inheritance relationships, such as logging, security detection, etc., we can only introduce public behavior into each object, so that the program A large amount of duplicate code […]

Use vue3 and svg canvas tags to develop a mind map function

Foreword Definition of SVG SVG is a language defined in XML for describing two-dimensional vectors and vector or raster graphics. SVG provides three types of graphic objects, vector graphics, images, and text. SVG is an image file format. Its full English name is ScalableVectorGraphics, which means scalable vector graphics. Vector graphics, also known as object-oriented […]

[VIM installation ctags cscope]

1. Install the software package sudo passwd root sudo apt install cmake python2-dev python3-dev build-essential cmake flex bison -y sudo apt install universal-ctags cscope vim git -y sudo apt install python-is-python3 -y sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev bison flex libssl-dev 2. Download the VIM plug-in manager git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim vim ~/.vimrc ” ==============vim basic […]

Tags inside HTML <head>

Tags in can reference scripts, instruct the browser where to find style sheets, provide meta information, and more. The following tags can be used in the head section: , , , , tag is usually used to specify metadata such as description, keywords, file last modification time, author, etc. of a web page Metadata can […]