Amazing, this html5 player supports video switching, double-speed switching, and video preview

Very cool! ! This article will explain the functions related to video playback (based on cloud platform), including initializing the player, setting player size, video switching, double speed switching, video preview, customizing the start/end time of video playback, prohibiting drag and drop progress, Player skin, control buttons, playback controls, etc. Picture / html5 video player […]

A guide on how to create interactive and animated graphics with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript

Article directory Preface Effect demonstration Code explanation Complete code end Foreword This article explains how to create an interactive bubble effect using HTML5’s Canvas and JavaScript. By moving with the mouse or touch, you can create flowing bubble trajectories on the canvas. This effect takes advantage of the spring effect between points, allowing the bubbles […]

Two methods of HTML5+JavaScript front-end interactive verification

The full name of JSON is “JavaScript Object Notation”, which means JavaScript Object Notation. It is a text-based, language-independent lightweight data exchange format. First type: The user experience may not be very good, but the warning effect to users is obvious (interface pop-up warning) Form onsubmit function JavaScript 1 <%@ page language=”java” contentType=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ 2 […]

HTML5: Use of list, table, and form tags

Table of Contents 1. Use of list tags 1.1 Unordered list ul 1.2 Ordered list ol 1.3 Definition list dl 2. Use of table labels 3. Use of form tags 1. Use of list tags 1.1 Unordered List ul Unordered list ul (unordered list) type can change the list flag item disc (default value) circle […]

Howler.js HTML5 sound engine

Introduction Howler.js is a nice HTML5 sound engine. It has powerful functions, good performance, and is very convenient to use. 1. Official website GitHub 2. Compatibility Howler uses Web Audio by default, but can automatically convert to HTML 5 Audio on IE. This is very considerate. 3. Sound activation Safari and Chrome on […]

HTML5 new features + CSS3 new features

Table of Contents New features in HTML5 1. New semantic tags 2. New multimedia tags 3. New input form 4. New form attributes New features in CSS3 1. New selector (1), attribute selector (2), Structural pseudo-class selector (3) Pseudo element selector 2. Box model border-box 3. Other features of css3 (1), the picture becomes blurry […]

Graduation project – Python graduation source code case design based on HTML5 responsive design of Django shopping website

Python_Django_HTML5_shopping Python based on Django shopping website HTML5 responsive design graduation source code case design Development technology: Python + Django framework + mysql database Development tools: PyCharm A shopping website built using the MVC framework, using the Bootstrap framework at the front desk, with two identities: administrator and user! After registering and logging in, users […]

Design and implementation of springboot284 questionnaire system based on HTML5

The article only shows part of the content. For detailed thesis and demonstration videos, you can send a private message to my KouKou. Undergraduate thesis (design) Design and implementation of questionnaire survey system College (Department): School of Information Science and Technology Major: Computer Science and Technology (Normal College) student ID: student name: Admission year: mentor: […]

HTML5 Benefits–Drawing with Canvas

Table of Contents 1.Canvas element 1.Canvas element definition 2. Use JavaScript to obtain the Canvas object in the page 2. Draw graphics 1. Draw a straight line 2. Draw a rectangle (1)rect() (2)strokeRect() (3) fillRect() and clearRect() functions 3. Draw an arc 4. Stroke and fill 5.Gradient color 6.Transparent color 3. Draw images and text […]