Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction – interactive camera calibration application OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Real-time pose estimation of textured objects Original author Vladislav Sovrasov Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.1 According to the classic calibration technique, the user must first collect all data and then run the cv::calibrateCamera function to obtain the camera parameters. If the average reprojection error is large, or the estimated parameters appear to be wrong, […]

A guide on how to create interactive and animated graphics with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript

Article directory Preface Effect demonstration Code explanation Complete code end Foreword This article explains how to create an interactive bubble effect using HTML5’s Canvas and JavaScript. By moving with the mouse or touch, you can create flowing bubble trajectories on the canvas. This effect takes advantage of the spring effect between points, allowing the bubbles […]

Echarts world map and web table data interactive linkage

html layout: 1 <div class=”column”> 2 <div class=”panel bl bar1″> 3 <div class=”panelFooter”></div> 4 <h2>World epidemic data summary query</h2> 5 <div class=”map-table”> 6 <table align=”center” style=”margin:3px” cellspacing=”7px”> 7 <form id=”find_value”> 8 <label><font color=”#ff7f50″>Enter country:</font></label> 9 <input id=”cname” type=”text” name=”cname” placeholder=”” value=””> 10 <input type=”button” value=”Query” onclick=”find_res()”> 11 <input type=”reset” value=”Reset”> 12 </form> 13 <thead> 14 […]

Two methods of HTML5+JavaScript front-end interactive verification

The full name of JSON is “JavaScript Object Notation”, which means JavaScript Object Notation. It is a text-based, language-independent lightweight data exchange format. First type: The user experience may not be very good, but the warning effect to users is obvious (interface pop-up warning) Form onsubmit function JavaScript 1 <%@ page language=”java” contentType=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ 2 […]

IO/NIO interactive simulation and progressive implementation

IO IO Server public class SocketServer { public static void main(String[] args) { //The server number corresponds to the client number, and the advantages and disadvantages are noted on the server side. //server1(); //server2(); server3(); } /** *Disadvantages of server1: * 1. The accept() method blocks the thread and cannot continue processing until the client […]

[Python&Semantic Segmentation] Segment Anything (SAM) model interactive segmentation + mask saving (3)

I have shared the basic operations of the Segment Anything (SAM) model before. This article will share with you the interactive semantic segmentation code. You can generate the corresponding mask by clicking the target object with the mouse. At the same time, I also added the mask save code. 1 Segment Anything Introduction 1.1 Overview […]

[SegmentAnything Practical Combat – Inference 3] Interactively select prompt boxes and prompt points to complete SAM inference on your own data set

prompt boxes + points joint reasoning write in front Effect + code 1. Select target box (1) + points for prediction 1.1 Effect All code that can be run Complete code Summarize Generally speaking, if you want to fully understand the SAM model code, the most important thing is to take a good look at […]

(Multimodal Medical) CephGPT-4: Interactive multimodal cephalometric and diagnostic system using visual large language model

Paper address Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel multimodal cephalometric analysis and diagnostic dialogue model. First, a multimodal orthodontic medical data set is constructed, including cephalometric images and doctor-patient dialogue data, and U-net is used to automatically analyze cephalometric signs and generate a diagnostic report. Then, the cephalometric data set and the generated […]