How to implement progressive disclosure UI for non-JS users

Table of Contents What is Progressive Disclosure UI? How do you achieve this? Issues with disabling non-JS/JavaScript browsers Understand the code solution What is Progressive Disclosure UI? Progressive disclosure UI is a user interface in which content and actions change based on user response. For example, see the following scenario. The UI changes dynamically based […]

IO/NIO interactive simulation and progressive implementation

IO IO Server public class SocketServer { public static void main(String[] args) { //The server number corresponds to the client number, and the advantages and disadvantages are noted on the server side. //server1(); //server2(); server3(); } /** *Disadvantages of server1: * 1. The accept() method blocks the thread and cannot continue processing until the client […]

vue2 skill tree (2)-template syntax, vue tool chain, progressive framework

Directory Vue2 skill tree Detailed explanation of Vue 2 simple template syntax interpolation Binding properties instruction `v-if` and `v-else` `v-for` `v-on` Computed properties filter slot Detailed explanation of Vue 2 ecosystem 1. Vue Router 2.Vuex 3. Vue CLI 4. Axios 5. Vue Devtools 6. Element UI, Vuetify, Quasar and other UI frameworks 7. Nuxt.js 8. […]

Progressive understanding of closures

This article mainly introduces closures and explains under what circumstances memory leaks will occur. There is also an interview question about closures. The function in which the closure is located is called multiple times, and the variables in the closure are created several times. What is closure 1.Definition If within an inner function, a reference […]

Various image processing, cropping tools of hutool. Generate progressive jpeg format pictures and generate thumbnails

Various picture tools: imageConversion2ImgStream method: Crop various image streams to generate a rectangular thumbnail stream form. bufferedConversion2ProgressiveJPEGStream: Get the image stream and target address conversion ProgressiveJPEG stream. imgType: can determine the image type. Required dependencies: <!– hutool tool package –> <dependency> <groupId>cn.hutool</groupId> <artifactId>hutool-all</artifactId> <version>5.8.18</version> </dependency> <!–webp format pictures–> <dependency> <groupId>org.sejda.imageio</groupId> <artifactId>webp-imageio</artifactId> <version>0.1.6</version> </dependency> ImageWUtil tool […]

Redis distributed lock – progressive explanation

1. Case introduction A Simple Case of Inventory Reduction @RestController public class testController { @Autowired private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate; @RequestMapping(“/test_stock”) public String testStock() { int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get(“stock”)); if (stock > 0) { int realStock = stock – 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set(“stock”, realStock + “”); System.out.println(“Deducted successfully, remaining stock:” + realStock); } else { System.out.println(“Deduction failed, insufficient inventory!”); […]

Vision Transformer Architecture Pytorch Progressive Implementation

Foreword The code comes from deep_thoughts, the blogger of Bilibili. The video address is very detailed. I recommend everyone to watch the original video. No matter whether you are very skilled or not, I believe you can gain a lot. Paper An Image is Worth 16×16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale, download address. […]

Progressive AI Programming Architecture: Design and Exploration of Unit Mesh Architecture

Unit Mesh is a distributed architecture based on artificial intelligence. Different from the traditional distributed architecture, the service unit (Unit) in Unit Mesh is generated by AI. The services and data in the application are abstracted into independent units, managed and deployed through a unified control plane. In the previous article “AI programming in the […]