vue2 skill tree (2)-template syntax, vue tool chain, progressive framework


  • Vue2 skill tree
  • Detailed explanation of Vue 2 simple template syntax
    • interpolation
    • Binding properties
    • instruction
      • `v-if` and `v-else`
      • `v-for`
      • `v-on`
    • Computed properties
    • filter
    • slot
  • Detailed explanation of Vue 2 ecosystem
    • 1. Vue Router
    • 2.Vuex
    • 3. Vue CLI
    • 4. Axios
    • 5. Vue Devtools
    • 6. Element UI, Vuetify, Quasar and other UI frameworks
    • 7. Nuxt.js
    • 8. Vue Apollo, Vue Router, Vue Fire and other plug-ins
  • Detailed explanation of Vue 2 gradual enhancement
    • core library
    • instruction
    • components
    • Routing and state management
    • animations and transitions
    • Custom instructions

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Vue2 skill tree

Vue2 skill tree (1) – introduction, import and use, responsive data binding, component development
vue2 skill tree (2)-template syntax, vue tool chain, progressive framework
Vue2 skill tree (3)-declarative rendering, instruction collection, life cycle function
Vue2 skill tree (4)-interpolation, dynamic parameters, instruction modifiers, calculated properties, listeners

Vue 2 simple template syntax detailed explanation

Vue.js 2 provides a simple and intuitive template syntax for declaring the rendering structure of the interface and binding data to DOM elements. The following is a detailed look at many aspects of Vue 2’s simple template syntax.


Interpolation is the most common template syntax in Vue 2. It allows you to bind data to the template so that changes in the data automatically update the view. Interpolation uses double curly braces {{ }}.

  {<!-- -->{ message }}

In the above example, message is a data attribute that will be displayed in the template.

Binding properties

Vue 2 allows you to dynamically bind element properties using the v-bind directive. This is useful for dynamically setting properties of an element.

<img v-bind:src="imageUrl">

In this example, the src attribute will dynamically change based on the value of imageUrl.


Directives are special tags in Vue templates, prefixed with v-. They are used to perform specific actions or add specific behaviors.

v-if and v-else

The v-if and v-else directives are used for conditional rendering to show or hide elements based on given conditions.

<div v-if="showMessage">This is a message.</div>
<div v-else>Message is hidden.</div>


The v-for directive is used to loop through rendering elements, typically used with arrays.

  <li v-for="item in items">{<!-- -->{ item }}</li>


The v-on directive is used to listen to DOM events, usually used together with methods.

<button v-on:click="handleClick">Click me</button>

In a Vue instance, you can define the handleClick method to respond to click events.

Computed properties

Vue 2 allows you to define computed properties whose values are calculated based on the data properties they depend on.

new Vue({<!-- -->
  data: {<!-- -->
    width: 100,
    height: 200
  computed: {<!-- -->
    area() {<!-- -->
      return this.width * this.height;

In the example above, area is a computed property that depends on the width and height data properties.


Vue 2 allows you to use filters in templates to format data. Filters are functions separated by | symbols that can be used to process the output of data.

<p>{<!-- -->{ message | capitalize }}</p>
Vue.filter('capitalize', function(value) {<!-- -->
  if (!value) return '';
  value = value.toString();
  return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1);

In the example above, the capitalize filter is used to capitalize the first letter of the value of the message data attribute.


Vue 2 allows you to use slots to distribute content to components. This is useful for custom components, allowing external content to be passed in.

  <p>Custom content goes here.</p>
Vue.component('my-component', {<!-- -->
  template: '<div><slot></slot></div>'

This is a detailed, multifaceted introduction to Vue 2’s simple template syntax. Vue’s template syntax is intuitive and easy to use, allowing you to declare data and behavior in the template, while making synchronization between data and views simpler and more efficient.

Detailed explanation of Vue 2 ecosystem

Vue.js 2 is a powerful front-end framework whose ecosystem includes many plugins, tools, and libraries for extending and enhancing the functionality of Vue applications. The following is a detailed introduction to many aspects of the Vue 2 ecosystem.

1. Vue Router

Vue Router is the official Vue.js routing manager, which allows you to build single-page applications (SPA) and manage routing. Vue Router provides routing configuration, nested routing, routing navigation guards and other functions, making it easier to build complex front-end navigation systems.

# Install Vue Router
npm install vue-router

2. Vuex

Vuex is the official state management library, used to manage the global state in Vue applications. It implements centralized state management, allowing you to share data, modify state, and maintain state consistency between different components.

# Install Vuex
npm install vuex

3. Vue CLI

Vue CLI is the official scaffolding tool for quickly building Vue projects. It provides modern development tools, preconfigured project templates, development servers, and more, making it easier to create, build, and maintain Vue applications.

# Install Vue CLI
npm install -g @vue/cli

4. Axios

Axios is a popular HTTP client for making HTTP requests in Vue applications. It provides a convenient API for sending GET, POST and other requests, processing responses, intercepting requests, etc.

# Install Axios
npm install axios

5. Vue Devtools

Vue Devtools is a browser extension for developing and debugging Vue.js applications. It allows you to view component hierarchy, status, events, etc. to make debugging Vue applications easier.

  • Vue Devtools Chrome plugin
  • Vue Devtools Firefox plugin

6. Element UI, Vuetify, Quasar and other UI frameworks

There are several popular UI frameworks in the Vue 2 ecosystem, such as Element UI, Vuetify, Quasar, etc. These frameworks provide a set of ready-made UI components for building beautiful, responsive user interfaces.

# Install Element UI
npm install element-ui

7. Nuxt.js

Nuxt.js is a Vue.js-based application framework that simplifies the construction of server-rendered applications (SSR). Nuxt.js provides routing, automatic code splitting, server-side rendering and other functions, making it easier to build SEO-friendly applications.

# Install Nuxt.js
npx create-nuxt-app my-nuxt-app

8. Vue Apollo, Vue Router, Vue Fire and other plug-ins

The Vue 2 ecosystem also includes many third-party plug-ins for integrating Vue applications with back-end services, databases, etc. For example, Vue Apollo is used for GraphQL integration, Vue Router can be integrated with various routing libraries, and Vue Fire is used for integration with Firebase.

# Install Vue Apollo
npm install vue-apollo

This is a detailed, multi-faceted introduction to the Vue 2 ecosystem. The Vue ecosystem provides a wealth of tools and libraries for extending the functionality of Vue applications, simplifying the development process, and building modern front-end applications. You can choose appropriate tools and plug-ins according to project needs to improve the development efficiency and quality of Vue applications.

Vue 2 gradual enhancement detailed explanation

One of the design philosophies of Vue.js 2 is progressive enhancement. This means you can integrate Vue 2 into existing projects or gradually add Vue 2 functionality as needed. The following is a detailed introduction to the various aspects of Vue 2’s incremental enhancements.

Core library

The core library of Vue.js 2 only focuses on the view layer, which makes it very flexible and can be integrated with other libraries and existing projects. You can add Vue 2 to an HTML page and start using it without rewriting the entire application.

<script src="//"></script>


Vue 2’s directives are part of a gradual enhancement process. You can gradually add directives to enhance your templates and views. For example, you could start with simple data binding and gradually introduce directives such as v-if, v-for and v-on , to control the rendering and behavior of the element.

<div id="app">
  <p>{<!-- -->{ message }}</p>
  <button v-on:click="changeMessage">Change Message</button>


Vue 2 encourages component-based development, but you can choose to gradually add components to your application. You can start with a single Vue instance and will gradually build and organize more components to make up your application.

<div id="app">

Routing and state management

As your application requires more advanced functionality, you can gradually introduce routing and state management. For example, you can use Vue Router to handle routing and add Vuex to manage global state when needed.

# Install Vue Router
npm install vue-router

# Install Vuex
npm install vuex

Animations and transitions

If you need to add animation or transition effects, Vue 2 also provides a gradual enhancement method. You can use v-if and v-else to make simple animations, and then gradually introduce v-enter and v-leave to create more complex transition effects.

<div id="app">
  <button @click="toggle">Toggle</button>
  <transition name="fade">
    <p v-if="show">Hello, Vue!</p>
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {<!-- -->
  transition: opacity 1s;
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to {<!-- -->
  opacity: 0;

Custom directive

Vue 2 allows you to create custom directives, which is a way to gradually enhance the functionality of Vue. You can create custom instructions for specific tasks and then add them to your app when needed.

Vue.directive('my-directive', {<!-- -->
  // Custom instruction logic

This is a detailed, multi-faceted introduction to Vue 2’s progressive enhancements. The progressively enhanced nature of Vue.js makes it extremely flexible and adaptable to a variety of project sizes and complexities. You can gradually add and extend Vue’s functionality as needed without having to build the entire application from scratch. This makes Vue an ideal front-end framework suitable for various application scenarios.