Crop and Resize images using CV_CUDA

Maybe I’m using it incorrectly. Directly calling the C++ OpenCV api is much faster than using CV_CUDA. /* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & amp; AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); * you may not use this file except in compliance […]

Pyvista reads VTK files to render 3D cloud images and slice and crop them (1)

Pyvista official documentation: The following code was written by me after checking the official documentation API, and it contains the translation of the official API. The notes are very detailed, so the author won’t go into details. Three-dimensional cloud drawing effect: Surface: Surface + Mesh: Gridlines: Surface Points + Right-click to select Show Data: […]

canvas uses front-end technology to generate image similarity hash (crop the image as long as the surrounding blank area is removed from the image content)

We made such a requirement in the front-end time. The designer designed the theme template through Photoshop software, and then we parsed the layer information in the psd file through the program, such as decorative pictures, text boxes, picture boxes, background pictures, etc. (this may be Some layer tags will be involved). For information on […]

Flutter development practice-picture scaling and cropping box picture cropping function

Flutter development practice-picture scaling and cropping box picture cropping function During development, you need to select a picture in the album to crop out a small piece of the picture as the target picture. For example, when uploading an avatar, after the user selects the avatar, the required picture is cut out and uploaded according […]

vue3 implements image cropping and uploading function

1. Install and introduce vue-cropper (refer to: npm install vue-cropper@next import ‘vue-cropper/dist/index.css’ import { VueCropper } from “vue-cropper”; 2. Complete component code <template> <div class=”avatar-container” @click=”editImage()”> <img :src=”options.img” title=”Click to upload” class=”img-box” /> <el-dialog title=”cropped picture” v-model=”dialogVisible” width=”800px” append-to-body @opened=”openDialog” @close=”closeDialog”> <el-row> <el-col :span=”12″ style=”height: 300px;”> <vue-cropper ref=”cropper” :img=”options.img” :info=”true” :autoCrop=”options.autoCrop” :autoCropWidth=”options.autoCropWidth” :autoCropHeight=”options.autoCropHeight” :fixedBox=”options.fixedBox” […]

ESP32 smart car+PS2 wireless remote control+Mecanum wheel+microPython

from machine import Pin,PWM from ps2 import PS2Controller import time import os # ############################################ # PS2 Remote Control # ############################################ ps2ctl = PS2Controller(di_pin_no=26, do_pin_no=27, cs_pin_no=14, clk_pin_no=12) ps2ctl.init() # ############################################ # Trolley wheel control # ############################################ pin1=PWM(Pin(19),freq=1000) #Left front red 1 pin2=PWM(Pin(18),freq=1000) pin3=PWM(Pin(5),freq=1000) #Left rear red 3 pin4=PWM(Pin(17),freq=1000) pin5=PWM(Pin(16),freq=1000) #right front black 5 pin6=PWM(Pin(4),freq=1000) pin7=PWM(Pin(0),freq=1000) #right […]

Self-built field crop scene weed detection data, developed and constructed a weed detection and identification analysis system based on YOLOv5[n/s/m/l/x] full series parameter model

In the previous article, we have developed and practiced weed-related detection. If you are interested, you can read it by yourself: “Self-built data set, developed and constructed a weed detection and identification system in farmland scenes based on YOLOv7” “How far is laser weeding from our actual agricultural life? A field crop weed detection and […]

Python OpenCV image cropping tool

Project introduction In image processing, sometimes pictures need to be cropped for better display or analysis. Python’s OpenCV library provides many image processing functions, including image cropping. This article will introduce how to use Python and OpenCV to implement a simple image cropping tool. Program writing steps: Import necessary libraries In this program we need […]

Python OpenCV crops the image and modifies the corresponding Labelme annotation file

Python OpenCV crops the image and modifies the corresponding Labelme annotation file Preface Prerequisites Related introduction lab environment Crop the image and modify the corresponding Labelme annotation file Code Foreword Due to my limited level, errors and omissions will inevitably occur. Please criticize and correct me. For more exciting content, you can click to enter […]

Android 13 Framework cropping

Crop application 1. Modify build/core/ Add declaration of PRODUCT_DEL_PACKAGES variable Add a new line_product_single_value_vars + = PRODUCT_DEL_PACKAGES # The first API level this product shipped with _product_single_value_vars + = PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL _product_single_value_vars + = PRODUCT_DEL_PACKAGES # Add _product_list_vars + = VENDOR_PRODUCT_RESTRICT_VENDOR_FILES _product_list_vars + = VENDOR_EXCEPTION_MODULES 2. Modify build/core/ Modify the definition of the product-installed-files function and […]