How CSS @scope replaces BEM

One of the most common and challenging issues faced by front-end engineers is CSS naming conventions. With the popularity of the Block Element Modifier (BEM) approach, many people have become accustomed to organizing their styles according to a maintainable pattern. The upcoming implementation of @scope in Chrome will further improve the performance of BEM by […]

$scope.$apply is easy to understand at a glance

You can understand it at a glance s c o p e . scope. scope.apply For me, a complete novice in the front-end, I still know little about Javascript. If I want to get started with angular JS directly, I encounter a lot of resistance. However, I believe that as long as we work hard, […]

Bean scope and life cycle

Table of Contents Prospect introduction: scope definition Six scopes of Bean Singleton scope (Singleton) VS global scope (application) How to set bean scope? Bean life cycle Foreground introduction: Assume that there are two public Beans available to User A and User B. When A modifies the public Bean, User B will obtain the modified Bean. […]

JavaScript scope in action

● First, we create a function, as before, to calculate an age function calcAge(birthYear) {<!– –> const age = 2037 – birthYear; return age; } ● Then we create a global variable and call this function const firstName = “IT knowledge”; calcAge(1998); ● Because firstName is a global variable, we can also call this variable […]

Typescript enums and scope reduction

About enumeration Reverse mapping principle In the past, I only knew how to build and use enumerations, but I didn’t know how to get the enumeration content through Typescript. Through keyof typeof Reverse mapping to obtain enumeration key enum Enum { A, } let a = Enum.A; let nameOfA = Enum[a]; // “A” About constant […]

20. Python — variable scope, local functions

Directory variable scope variable? dictionary? Get variable dictionary variable masking Solution: Method 1: Use globals to access global variables Method 2: Declare global variables in the function local function Enclosing function returns local function code demo Another way to write Masking of local functions The problem is as shown in the figure: Solution: Summary of […]

Continuous Profiling of Amazon EKS Container Service to Diagnose Application Performance with Pyroscope

The current status of Continuous Profiling In the observable field, Trace, Log, and Metrics serve as the “three pillars” to help engineers more easily gain insight into the internal problems of applications. However, it is often necessary for developers to drill down into the application to find the root cause of the bottleneck. In the […]

Bean scope in Spring

Table of Contents 1. What is the scope of Bean? 2. @Scope annotation 3. Six scopes of Bean 3.1 singleton singleton mode 3.2 prototype prototype mode 3.3 request 3.4 sessions 3.5 application 3.6 websockets 1. What is the scope of Bean In the previous learning process, we defined scope as:Limiting the available range of variables […]

In-depth Spring principles-4.Aware interface, initialization and destruction execution sequence, Scope domain

About the author: Hello everyone, I am Tudou Ni who loves cheese. I am a Java contestant in the 24th class of school admissions. Nice to meet you all. Series of columns: Spring source code, JUC source code If you feel that the blogger’s article is not bad, please support the blogger three times in […]