MySQL: Grammar Quick Reference [Continuously updated…]

1. Define basic tables 1. Commonly used integrity constraints Primary code constraints primary key foreign key constraints foreign key uniqueness constraint unique non-nullity constraint not null value constraints check 2. Example questions [Example 1] Create a “student” table Student, which consists of five attributes: student number Sno, name Sname, gender Ssex, age Sage, and department […]

Continuous delivery-Jenkinsfile syntax

The scripting language that implements the Pipeline function is called Jenkinsfile, which is implemented by the Groovy language. The Jenkinsfile is generally placed in the project root directory and is controlled by the source code management software along with the project. There is no need to copy many settings to a new project each time […]

Python-match continuous content based on keywords

Use PyQt5 to generate an executable small program: match the content in GGA format from the start keyword to the end keyword range, support multiple selection of files, and clear the copied files generated during the process. The GGA file is as follows: $GPZDA,063052.00,16,10,2023,,*61 $GPGGA,063052.00,4349.7377413,N,12509.8354912,E,4,40,0.6,222.928,M,0.00,M,01,2445*69 $GPZDA,063053.00,16,10,2023,,*60 $GPGGA,063053.00,4349.7377412,N,12509.8354914,E,4,40,0.6,222.926,M,0.00,M,01,2445*61 $GPZDA,063054.00,16,10,2023,,*67 Mini program interface: Run pyinstaller -F -w […]

python-matching continuous content based on keywords Ⅱ

Use PyQt5 to generate an executable small program: match the contents of the pos file between the start keyword and the end keyword, convert UTC time to GPS time, and clear the copied files generated in the process. pos file is as follows: % (x/y/z-ecef=WGS84,Q=1:fix,2:float,3:sbas,4:dgps,5:single,6:ppp,ns=# of satellites % GPST x-ecef(m) y-ecef(m) z-ecef(m) Q ns sdx(m) […]

Use C++ to design n integer matrices M1..Mn for continuous multiplication. The dimension of each matrix is between 1-200, the number of matrices n is between 5-180, and the matrix elements are non-negative integers of at most 2 digits. Each matrix The sum result matrix is stored in the form of a text file with the file name M1…

Use C++ to design n integer matrices M1..Mn for continuous multiplication. The dimension of each matrix is between 1-200, the number of matrices n is between 5-180, and the matrix elements are non-negative integers of at most 2 digits. Each matrix and the result matrix are stored in the form of text files. The file […]

Continuous Profiling of Amazon EKS Container Service to Diagnose Application Performance with Pyroscope

The current status of Continuous Profiling In the observable field, Trace, Log, and Metrics serve as the “three pillars” to help engineers more easily gain insight into the internal problems of applications. However, it is often necessary for developers to drill down into the application to find the root cause of the bottleneck. In the […]

37 implementation details of PPO algorithm implementation (3/3) 9 details for continuous action domains

Blog Title: The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization Authors: Huang, Shengyi; Dossa, Rousslan Fernand Julien; Raffin, Antonin; Kanervisto, Anssi; Wang, Weixun Blog address: Code github warehouse address: This article continues from the previous article on 37 implementation details of the PPO algorithm (2/3) 9 Atari-specific implementation details. This article mainly introduces […]

The MonthPicker and DatePicker of antd start at any time, and the maximum span of the selected continuous time is 1 year. disabledDate is a date that cannot be selected.

Problem description: For the date component, select the start of the month at any time, but you must select consecutive months within a year! ! ! Achieve results Solution Insert code snippet here <div style=”display: flex”> <a-month-picker v-model=”form.startValue” placeholder=”Start” @openChange=”handleStartOpenChange” /> <a-month-picker v-model=”form.endValue” :disabled-date=”disabledEndDate” placeholder=”End” :open=”endOpen” @openChange=”handleEndOpenChange” /> </div> import dayjs from “dayjs”; export default […]