[h5 uniapp] Scroll scroll bar, data changes accordingly

uniapp project Requirements: When you slide down, the data increases and the calendar title date above also changes. When you slide up, the date in the calendar title above changes accordingly. Implementation ideas: Load the data of the current month and the data of the next month for the first time this.getdate() Bottom loading next […]

Real case of front-end uniapp request (with source code)

Directory Case number one Case 2 at last Case 1 <template> <view class=”box”> <!– <view class=”title-back” @click=”backPrivious”> & amp;lt;</view> –> <!– <view class=”title-back” @click=”backPrivious”> < </view> –> <view class=”currentLimit”> <!– All –> <view class=”currentLimit-half” v-if=”itemIndex === 1″> The current loan amount that can be applied for is <text>{<!– –>{money2}}</text> yuan </view> <!– half –> <view […]

uniapp uses uview components to realize three-level linkage between provinces and municipalities (any three-level linkage)

<template> <view class=”invite”> <u-cell title=”Click to select” isLink :value=”value” @click=”change()”></u-cell> <u-picker :show=”show” ref=”uPicker” :columns=”columns” @confirm=”confirm” @cancel=”show=false” @change=”changeHandler” ></u-picker> </view> </template> <script> // import {<!– –> address } from ‘@/static/address.js’; export default {<!– –> data() {<!– –> return {<!– –> show: false, columns: [], origiData: [{<!– –> “code”: “110000”, “value”: “Beijing City”, “children”: [{<!– –> “code”: […]

The latest front-end uniapp submission form call interface method

Directory Source code 1 Source code 2 at last Source code 1 <template> <view class=”my-add-bank-card”> <!– name=”bank_name” must be added to the input submitted in the form form to bind the parameters to be passed name=”bank_name” type=”text” v-model=”address.bank_name” must be name and v- The model parameters remain consistent! ! ! –> <form @submit=”formSubmit” @reset=”formReset”> <view […]

uniapp actionsheet custom component

The actionsheet that comes with uniapp itself is too ugly and not beautiful enough. Idle is also idle, I implemented a similar selector. Supported functions: 1. Align left 2. Align right 3. Centered 4. Icons can be added The usage tutorial is posted below: <template> <view> <action-sheet alignment=”left” :showSheetView=”showSheetView” :displayCheckedIcon=”true” :optionsList=”deseaseList” titleKey=”name” iconKey=”cover” @ onSelected=”onSelected”></action-sheet> […]

Picker tree recursion used by vue uniapp company

<template> <view class=””> <my-tree :tree-data=”treeData” @xuanzhong=”xuanzhong” @bindPickerChange=”bindPickerChange” ></my-tree> <!– <button @click=”dianji”>dianji</button> –> </view> </template> <script> import myTree from “./component/myTree.vue”; export default { components: { myTree, }, data() { return { treeData: [ { code: “51”, title: “Please select city and state—-“, show: true, // arr: [ // { name: “Chengdu City”, code: “5101” }, // […]

uniapp android online update

1. Create an app-update.vue file in pages and register it <template> <view class=”page-height”> <view class=”page-content”> <view class=”wrap” v-if=”popup_show”> <view class=”popup-bg”> <view class=”popup-content” :class=”{‘popup-content-show’ : popup_show}”> <view class=”update-wrap”> <image src=”../../static/images/img.png” class=”top-img”></image> <view class=”content”> <text class=”title”>Discovered new version V{<!– –>{update_info.versionNo}}</text> <!– Upgrade description –> <view class=”title-sub” v-html=”update_info.updateContent”></view> <!– Upgrade button –> <button class=”btn” v-if=”downstatus < 1″ @click=”onUpdate()”>Upgrade […]

Uniapp calls java code

Preface This intern believes that for computer majors like us, the main thing is that the predecessors plant trees and the descendants can enjoy the shade. I have also read various documents on the Internet, searched for various error reports, and acted as a CV engineer. Under the documentation of predecessors, I have avoided a […]

H5 is embedded in Uniapp (H5 developed by uniapp), and jumps to the specified page of the APP in H5

Native H5 jump app method developed by uniapp: 1. Use web-view to embed the H5 page in the APP and use the web-view component to implement it <template> <view> <web-view src=”//i2.wp.com/uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/component/web-view.html”></web-view> </view> </template> 2. Introduce webview.js into H5 project <!– You need to download uni.webview.1.5.4.js to your own server –> Import the SDK of web-view […]

Capacitor packages h5 to Android application, uniapp https http net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED

Capacitor packages h5 to Android application, uniapp https http net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED capacitor official website: https://capacitorjs.com/docs/ The project needs to make an app, and this app is made with uniapp, which uses a library that relies on dom, so Uniapp cannot be used to directly generate the corresponding android application. I tried it, but it cannot be […]