Echart polar coordinates, azimuth and distance diagram, icon symbol rotation and size, color gradient

Background: Participating in an interactive chart project, the customer had a need for polar coordinate comparison to display different types of indicator data in different directions and distances. Specifically, the attribute fields are: Source, distance, orientation, ID, rotation angle, size Let’s look at the renderings first: Technical points: Legend description: The distance is the radial […]

DALL·E 2 Vincentian Diagram Model Practice Guide

Preface: This blog records the relevant information and DEBUG process used for inference using the dalle2 model. Related blogs: Super detailed! DALL · E Vincentian Diagram Model Practical Guide Directory 1. Environment setup and pre-training model preparation Environment setup Pre-trained model download 2. Code 3. BUG & DEBUG URLError CUDA error RuntimeError PydanticUserError 1. Environment […]

Merge Sort merge Sort + diagram + recursive / non-recursive

The main idea of (merge sort) is: to merge gradually several ordered sequences, and finally merge them into one ordered sequence Two-way merge sort(2-way merge sort) is the simplest sorting method in merge sort (1)Recursive implementation of two-way merge sort // Recursive implementation of two-way merge sort void merge(vector<int> & amp; arr,int left, int mid, […]

[Data structure] Sequential stack and chain stack (detailed explanation with diagram)

Article directory 1. What is a stack? 1.1 Purpose of stack 2. Stack structure and basic operations 3. Implementation details of the stack 3.1 Sequential stack 3.1.1 Stack initialization 3.1.2 Pushing elements onto the stack 3.1.3 Pop elements from the stack 3.1.4 Get the top element of the stack 3.1.5 Determine whether the stack is […]

Super detailed! DALL · E Vincentian Diagram Model Practical Guide

Recently, I need to use the inference function of DALL·E. Based on the existing open source code, I found that there are still several issues that need attention. I would like to record them in this blog. The source code I use is mainly the Inference pipeline.ipynb file in the warehouse. Operating environment: Ubuntu […]

voronoi diagram (Tyson polygon) application – Empire Strikes Back

Welcome to pay attention to more exciting things Follow me to learn common algorithms and data structures, solve multiple problems, and combat dimensionality reduction. voronoi diagram solutionClick to go Question link: The main idea of the title There is a city whose shape is circular. There are many chemical plants in the city. Now […]

voronoi diagram (Tyson polygon) application – Good Manners

Welcome to pay attention to more exciting things Follow me to learn common algorithms and data structures, solve multiple problems, and combat dimensionality reduction. voronoi diagram solutionClick to go Question link: The main idea of the title There is a table, which is round in shape. There are many cakes on the table, each […]

Based on the arm architecture diagram, the smart box (T906G) ubuntu20.04 builds open-ai Whisper and realizes speech to text.

Foreword The arm architecture is really not fun. You can’t just rely on Baidu for strange error reports. Google is a must. Don’t be afraid of foreign blogs. Text 1. Hardware introduction The picture shows the built-in ubuntu20.04 system of the smart box. The built-in default python is 3.8. There is an nvidia graphics card, […]

echarts force guide diagram_relationship diagram_knowledge diagram

Echarts commonly used various chart template configurations Note: This is mainly based on various charts and uses more various configuration items of Echarts; The following codes can be copied to the Echarts official website and previewed directly; Icon template directory Echarts commonly used various chart template configurations 1. Force guide chart 2. Donut chart 3. […]