Pytorch loss function, backpropagation and optimizer, Sequential use

Pytorch_Sequential usage, loss function, backpropagation and optimizer Article directory nn.Sequential Build a small practice Loss function and backpropagation optimizer nn.Sequential nn.Sequential is an ordered container. The modules used to build neural networks are added to the nn.Sequential() container in the order in which is passed into the constructor. import torch.nn as nn from collections import […]

[Data structure] Sequential stack and chain stack (detailed explanation with diagram)

Article directory 1. What is a stack? 1.1 Purpose of stack 2. Stack structure and basic operations 3. Implementation details of the stack 3.1 Sequential stack 3.1.1 Stack initialization 3.1.2 Pushing elements onto the stack 3.1.3 Pop elements from the stack 3.1.4 Get the top element of the stack 3.1.5 Determine whether the stack is […]

An in-depth introduction to RabbitMQ: sequential consumption, dead letter queue and delay queue

1. RabbitMQ 1.1 Core Components RabbitMQ is an open source message middleware that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and provides various important components to support the production, transmission and consumption of messages. Producer: The producer is the sender of messages and is responsible for publishing messages to the RabbitMQ server. Messages can contain […]

Data structure-binary tree·heap (implementation of sequential structure)

Personal business card: About the author: A sophomore student who is willing to share what he has learned on the road of study. Personal homepage: GOTXX Personal WeChat: ILXOXVJEThis article is original by GOTXX and first published on CSDN Column series: Learning C language from scratch —– The road to learning data structuresWord of the […]

Data structure–sequential implementation of linear tables and chain implementation (c language)

# The definition and characteristics of linear tables: * Linear List: A finite sequence composed of n elements with the same data characteristics. Such a sequence is called a “linear list”; * Characteristics of linear tables: The only element that exists is called the “first element”, the only element that exists is called the “last […]

Data structure sequential stack – C language implementation

Data structure sequential stack – C language implementation 1. Code comments 1. Related header files 2. Macro definition content 3. Readability optimization and stack type declaration 4. Related functions 1)`void InitStack(SqStack *S);`Initialize sequence stack 2)`void DestroyStack(SqStack *S);`Destroy the stack 3)`void ClearStack(SqStack *S);`Clear the stack 4)`Status StackEmpty(SqStack S);`Determine the stack is empty 5)`Status StackFull(SqStack S);`Judge that […]