echarts force guide diagram_relationship diagram_knowledge diagram

Echarts commonly used various chart template configurations

Note: This is mainly based on various charts and uses more various configuration items of Echarts;

The following codes can be copied to the Echarts official website and previewed directly;

Icon template directory

  • Echarts commonly used various chart template configurations
  • 1. Force guide chart
  • 2. Donut chart
  • 3. K-line chart
  • 4. Line chart
  • 5. Horizontal bar chart
  • 6. Line chart + bar chart
  • 7. 3D histogram
  • 8. Engineering project visualization
  • 9. Radar chart
  • 10. Pictogram column chart
  • 11. Ring proportion chart
  • 12. Circle animation
  • 13. Map
  • 14. Map json free download

1. Force guide diagram

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option = {<!-- -->
  title: {<!-- -->
    text: 'Knowledge Graph'
  series: [
    {<!-- -->
      type: 'graph',
      layout: 'force',
      symbolSize: 58,
      draggable: true,
      roam: true,
      focusNodeAdjacency: true,
      categories: [
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'company',
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'Director',
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18'
      edgeSymbolSize: [10, 10],
      edgeSymbol: ['circle', 'arrow'],
      edgeLabel: {<!-- -->
        normal: {<!-- -->
          show: true,
          textStyle: {<!-- -->
            fontSize: 20
          formatter(x) {<!-- -->
      label: {<!-- -->
        show: true,
        formatter(param) {<!-- -->
          if ( == 'Browser Ltd') {<!-- -->
            return 'custom name';
          } else {<!-- -->
      force: {<!-- -->
        repulsion: 2000,
        edgeLength: 120
      data: [
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'Operating System Group',
          category: 0,
          symbolSize: 80,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'Browser Ltd',
          category: 0,
          symbolSize: 80,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            normal: {<!-- -->
              color: '#49CCFF88',
              borderColor: '#49CCFF',
              borderWidth: 2,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#49CCFF'
          label: {<!-- -->
            textStyle: {<!-- -->
              color: '#000'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'HTML Technology',
          category: 0,
          symbolSize: 80,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'JavaScript Technology',
          category: 0,
          symbolSize: 80,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'CSS Technology',
          category: 0,
          symbolSize: 80,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'Chrome',
          category: 1,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'IE',
          category: 1,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'Firefox',
          category: 1,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
        {<!-- -->
          name: 'Safari',
          category: 1,
          itemStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18',
            normal: {<!-- -->
              borderColor: '#82dffe',
              borderWidth: 4,
              shadowBlur: 10,
              shadowColor: '#04f2a7'
      links: [
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'Browser Ltd',
          target: 'Operating System Group',
          name: 'Share participation',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'HTML Technology',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Share participation',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'CSS Technology',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Share participation',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'JavaScript Technology',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Share participation',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#ff7d18'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'Chrome',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Director',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'IE',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Director',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'Firefox',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Director',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'Safari',
          target: 'Browser Ltd',
          name: 'Director',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#006acc'
        {<!-- -->
          source: 'Chrome',
          target: 'JavaScript Technology',
          name: 'legal person',
          label: {<!-- -->
            align: 'center',
            fontSize: 12
          lineStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#10a050'

2. Donut chart

echarts ring chart: multi-layer nesting, custom legend position and color, insert data and text in the middle, color gradient;

Text link:

3. K-line chart

Article link:

4. Line chart

echarts line chart, horizontal and vertical axis color, text color, grid lines, white space on both sides of the coordinate axis, data gradient, tick marks, etc.;

Article link:

Article link:

Article link:

5. Horizontal bar chart

echarts horizontal histogram, coordinate axis hiding, grid line color gradient, grid default background, histogram border width/color, data gradient, tick mark hiding, etc.;

Article link:

6. Line chart + bar chart

echarts line chart + bar chart, y-axis on the left and right sides, horizontal and vertical axis color, text color, grid lines, blank space on both sides of the coordinate axis, data gradient, tick marks, etc.;

Article link:

7. 3D Histogram

echarts 3D histogram, overlay of multiple histograms, tick marks in the y-axis, hidden abscissa, text color, grid lines, white space on both sides of the coordinate axis, data gradient, tick marks, etc.;

Article link:

8. Engineering project visualization

echarts engineering project visualization, based on the x-axis time coordinate axis, overlays and displays project nodes in different stages, the y-axis displays the project stage name, text color, grid lines, white space on both sides of the coordinate axis, background color, etc.;

Article link:

9. Radar chart

echarts radar chart, custom indicator name, line style, area fill style, polyline inflection point mark, custom name style, coordinate axis separator line, white space on both sides of the coordinate axis, background color, etc.;

Article link:

10. Pictogram

echarts pictogram column chart, hides the horizontal and vertical coordinate axes and grid lines, leaves both sides of the coordinate axis blank, customizes vector graphics, text prompt boxes, graphic types, background colors, etc.;

Article link:

11. Ring proportion chart

echarts ring proportion chart, ring chart, dashboard, tick marks, custom prompt box, color gradient, background color, etc.;

Article link:

Twelve, ring animation

echarts ring animation, pie chart, donut chart, chart animation, grid lines, color gradient, chart line vector, text prompt box, chart level, background color, etc.;

Article link:

13. Map

echarts map, custom prompt box;

Article link:

14. Map json free download

  1. json download of the whole province:

  2. Alibaba data visualization platform download:
