Oracle active/standby switchover, ogg recovery method (classic mode)

Foreword: This article mainly introduces how to recover the ogg process (classic mode) running in the main database and standby database when the Oracle database physical ADG primary and backup switches (switchover, failover). Test recovery scenario: 1 A switchover occurs between the active and standby devices, and the main database is the ogg source. 2 […]

echarts implements tooltip automatic carousel display, pausing when the mouse is hovering

In ECharts, you can display the prompt box on the data axis by setting tooltip.trigger=”axis”. To implement automatic carousel display of tooltips, use the setInterval() and dispatchAction() methods in combination. Get the chart DOM instance, listen to mouse events, clear the timer when hovering, start the timer when the mouse leaves, and continue the carousel. […]

Tooltip implements hover content highlighting and formatting

1: Implement dyeing and highlighting of json strings through the highlight.js project This project is a jsp file and references the component of element-ui/highlight.js to highlight and format the json text in the tooltip (theoretically it supports all projects supported by highlight) Two: Achieve results Three: Code Implementation The key point is to successfully introduce […]

vue rich text editor quill (including code highlighting, custom fonts, Chineseization, mouse hover prompts, component packaging, etc.)

Basic use Install dependencies npm i quill .vue file <div ref=”editor” :style=”finalStyle”></div> “quill”; import “quill/dist/quill.snow.css”; = { theme: “snow”, placeholder: “Please enter here”, modules: { toolbar: { container: [ // [{ ‘header’: 1 }, { ‘header’: 2 }], // Header – independent tiles [{header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false]}], // Title – drop-down […]

kingbaseV8 cluster active and standby switch-repmgr standby switchover

ChenxiRoc original work, please indicate the source when reprinting Cluster active and standby switchover-repmgr standby switchover The cluster active-standby switchover mentioned here refers to manually running the command repmgr standby switchover to perform active-standby switchover, instead of the standby node automatically taking over in case of abnormal downtime. Active/backup switching process Switchover operation: Run: repmgr […]

echarts force map force map customized implementation: node pictures, relationship line hover, picture download, expansion and contraction, etc.

// Pay attention to clearing the canvas, unbinding click events, loading judgment, etc. async detailImgClick(row) { this.innerModal = true; this.ifDetail = true; this.rowGraph = row; this.vids = [] this.vids.push(this.rowGraph.vid) var graph = await this.postGraph(this.vids); var myChart; myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(“chartContainer”)); myChart.clear(); myChart.showLoading(); // var graph = { // categories: [{ name: ‘node’ }], // edges: [ […]

The windmill is realized in vue, the mouse hovers to stop and zoom in, and the mouse moves out to continue to rotate

<div id=”box”> <div id=”main” @mouseover=”mouseoverFun” @mouseleave=”mouseleaveFun”> <div class=”css1″> <div class=”leftTitle”>Strategic Emerging Industries</div> <div class=”corporateBrand”>Corporate Brand <!– <span class=”container1″> –> <img v-for=”item in imgList” :src=”item” @click=”changeOne(item)” alt=”” class=”hover-zoom”> <!– </div> –> </div> <div class=”Branding”>Product Brand <div class=”container2″> <img v-for=”item in imgList” :src=”item” @click=”changeOne(item)” alt=”” class=”hover-zoom”> </div> </div> <div class=”serviceBrand”>Service Brand <span class=”container3″> <img v-for=”item in imgList” […]

A cool avatar hover effect 2

A cool avatar hover effect based on the last translation has been liked by many students. The original author has recently optimized and upgraded it. This article will sort out and explain the core implementation process after the upgrade. If you have not read the recommendations in the first issue, take a look at the […]

element table merging and picture hover

<template> <div class=”app-container” v-loading=”loading”> <el-form inline> <el-form-item> <el-date-picker v-model=”searchForm.dateTime” type=”daterange” start-placeholder=”start date” end-placeholder=”end date” :default-time=”[’00:00:00′, ’23:59:59′]” format=”yyyy year MM month dd day” value-format=”timestamp” > </el-date-picker> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label=”user” v-if=”role == 1″> <el-select v-model=”searchForm.u_id” filterable clearable multiple collapse-tags placeholder=”username” > <el-option v-for=”item in ul” :key=” + ‘_user'” :label=”item.username” :value=”” > </el-option> </el-select> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label=”shop” v-if=”role […]