python pyqt5 3. Text editing box pop-up window search and replace, highlighting the searched string

Function: 1. Click the Open Find and Replace button to pop up the Find and Replace window. After selecting the string, the window will open and the value will be automatically searched. 2. All found results are highlighted. 3. Display the number of results found and the number currently found 4. Implement batch replacement Rendering: […]

Vue routing (router-link) – highlighting, dynamic parameter transfer

1. Declarative navigation-navigation links 1. Requirements Implement navigation highlighting effect If you use the a tag to jump, you need to add styles to the currently jumped navigation, and at the same time remove the style of the previous a tag, which is too troublesome! ! ! 2. Solution vue-router provides a global component router-link […]

CVPR2023 Highlight | Side Adapter Network – An extremely thin and powerful open vocabulary semantic segmenter…

Click “Xiaobai Xue Vision” above and choose to add “Star” or “Pin“ Heavy stuff, delivered as soon as possible Key points: With only 8M additional training parameters, the frozen CLIP model can be used to achieve 15 frames open vocabulary semantic segmentation per second, while The performance is greatly improved compared to STOA. Paper Link: […]

Tooltip implements hover content highlighting and formatting

1: Implement dyeing and highlighting of json strings through the highlight.js project This project is a jsp file and references the component of element-ui/highlight.js to highlight and format the json text in the tooltip (theoretically it supports all projects supported by highlight) Two: Achieve results Three: Code Implementation The key point is to successfully introduce […]

Front-end pdf preview solution (positioning, highlighting, page switching, style customization)

Foreword PDF.js is an open source JavaScript library developed by Mozilla for parsing and rendering PDF files on web pages. It does not rely on any external servers or plug-ins and runs directly in the browser. PDF.js supports multiple platforms and devices, including desktop, mobile, and embedded Environment: browser side Technology selection: pdf.js Download address: […]

vue rich text editor quill (including code highlighting, custom fonts, Chineseization, mouse hover prompts, component packaging, etc.)

Basic use Install dependencies npm i quill .vue file <div ref=”editor” :style=”finalStyle”></div> “quill”; import “quill/dist/quill.snow.css”; = { theme: “snow”, placeholder: “Please enter here”, modules: { toolbar: { container: [ // [{ ‘header’: 1 }, { ‘header’: 2 }], // Header – independent tiles [{header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false]}], // Title – drop-down […]

[ElasticSearch] In-depth exploration of DSL query syntax to achieve different levels of retrieval of documents, as well as sorting, paging and highlighting of search results

Article directory Preface 1. Classification of Elasticsearch DSL Query 2. Full text search query 2.1 `match` query 2.2 `multi_match` query 3. Precise query 3.1 term query 3.2 range query 4. Geographical coordinate query 4.1 geo_bounding_box query 4.2 geo_distance query 5. Compound query 5.1 function score query 5.2 boolean query 6. Processing of search results 6.1 […]

el-tree directory and el-table implement search positioning and highlighting method

Requirements: The el-tree directory can be used to search and query the el-table table items. Double-click the table item to locate the el-tree directory based on yiZhuMLID||muLuID, and highlight it in the visual area, and then search and refresh el based on the yiZhuMLID of the el-tree directory. -table table, locates and highlights the requirements […]