ExpandableListView + custom ExpandableListAdapter to implement complex lists

ExpandableListView is a subclass of ListView. It extends ListView and implements item grouping of list items. Its list items are provided by ExpandableListAdapter. ExpandableListAdapter is an interface, and the implementation of this interface is an abstract class BaseExpandableListAdapter. 1. Goal Realize a list of complex functions on mainstream APPs through ExpandableListView and customized ExpandableListAdapter. 2. […]

CVPR2023 Highlight | Side Adapter Network – An extremely thin and powerful open vocabulary semantic segmenter…

Click “Xiaobai Xue Vision” above and choose to add “Star” or “Pin“ Heavy stuff, delivered as soon as possible Key points: With only 8M additional training parameters, the frozen CLIP model can be used to achieve 15 frames open vocabulary semantic segmentation per second, while The performance is greatly improved compared to STOA. Paper Link: […]

Design Pattern Adapter Pattern

Foreword Starting from this article, let’s take a look at the structural design patterns. Before starting, let’s briefly review what the creational design patterns are. If you are interested, let’s learn together: Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern Design pattern factory method pattern Design pattern abstract factory pattern Singleton design pattern Design Pattern Prototype Pattern Design […]

[C++]: Capacity adapter (stack, queue, priority queue)

Table of Contents 1.Container Adapter 4.1 What is an adapter 4.2 Container adapters in the STL standard library 2.Use of stack 2.1 Implementation of stack in STL library 3.Use of queue 3.1 Implementation of queue in STL library 4.priority_queue usage 4.1 Simulate implementation of priority_queue 5.Introduction to deque 1.Container Adapter 4.1 What is an adapter […]

Variable parameter template+lambda+function wrapper (adapter)+bind

Table of Contents variadic template introduce introduce How to expand parameter pack recursion comma expression overall use emplace introduce ?edit use Simulation implementation code Example lambda introduce introduce Format use Passing on parameters capture principle Example function wrapper (adapter) introduce introduce Format use bind introduce std::placeholders use Modify parameter position Pass fixed values for parameters […]

RK3288 Android11 RTL8723DS WiFi and Bluetooth adapter

Directory 1. RTL8723DS WiFi adaptation — Chapter 1. Schematic analysis (WiFi part) `Supplement:`Explanation of RTL8723DS clock input source 2. Modify the device tree and edit driver files according to the schematic diagram 3. Experimental verification 4. RTL8723DS WIFI driver reference documentation and blog website 2. RTL8723DS Bluetooth Bluetooth Adaptation — Chapter 1. Schematic analysis (Bluetooth […]

[C/C++] STL – Container Adapter: The use and simulation implementation of stack and queue

?Content column: C/C++ programming Summary of this article: introduction and use of stack and queue, simulation implementation. Author of this article: Ah Si Release time: 2023.10.17 1. Introduction and use of stack Introduction to 1.1 stack The following is the documentation introduction of stack stack is a container adapter that is specially used in contexts […]

mqs-adapter (message middleware adapter)

mqs-adapter (message middleware adapter) Message middleware adapter Source code address: https://github.com/YinQin257/mqs-adapter Feature list Currently, two message middlewares, rocketmq and kafka, are supported. Support multiple data sources Support multiple consumption modes, batch consumption, single consumption, broadcast consumption Supports conversion processing of consumer group names and topic names –new in 1.0.5 Supports default instance (default data source, […]