ExpandableListView + custom ExpandableListAdapter to implement complex lists

ExpandableListView is a subclass of ListView. It extends ListView and implements item grouping of list items. Its list items are provided by ExpandableListAdapter. ExpandableListAdapter is an interface, and the implementation of this interface is an abstract class BaseExpandableListAdapter. 1. Goal Realize a list of complex functions on mainstream APPs through ExpandableListView and customized ExpandableListAdapter. 2. […]

Android Studio User Guide ListView

1. Introduction to ListView In Android development, ListView is a commonly used control. It displays specific data content in the form of a list, and can adapt the screen display according to the length of the data. 2. Simple usage of ListView Code part 1. Layout interface activity_main.xml code: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?><LinearLayout xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android” xmlns :app=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto” […]

android -Spinner control ListView

Spinner control 1. Add a list control in the layout file and obtain the list control through the id attribute in the java code file 2. Prepare the data source. The data source can be an array or a collection. 3. Construct an Adapter object, specify the data display style of each item in the […]

[Flutter Question Series Part 79] Using ReorderableListView in Flutter to implement the function of drag-and-drop sorting list components

This is [Part 79 of the Flutter Question Series]. If you find it useful, please follow the column. Current development environment Flutter version: 3.10.5, Dart version: 3.0.5, operating system: macOS Article directory One: Effect Demonstration Two: ReorderableListView source code analysis 2-1: Required attributes 2-2: Optional attributes Three: How to use ReorderableListView Four: How to specify […]

Android—RecyclerView replaces ListView

RecyclerView, referred to as RV, appears as an enhanced version of ListView and GridView, with the purpose of displaying a large amount of content on a limited screen. Therefore, the implementation of RecyclerView’s reuse mechanism is a core part of it. General RV usage // 1 RecyclerView.setLayoutManager(); // 2 RecyclerView.setAdapter(); // 3 RecyclerView.setItemAnimator(); // 4 […]

WPF ListView mouse click, move and change background color does not work

Build data source <Window.Resources> <x:ArrayExtension x:Key=”stringList” xmlns=”clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib” Type=”String”> <String>First line</String> <String>Second line</String> <String>Third line</String> <String>The fourth line</String> </x:ArrayExtension> </Window.Resources> 1. + can take effect and the background color will change. Store triggers in ListView.ItemContainerStyle Store data in ListView.View In this way, multiple columns and multiple rows can only be displayed in columns, but multiple rows […]

Listview content is displayed in the center in wpf

When using ListView in WPF, GridView is often used as the view, but the GridViewColumn cannot be centered and aligned. Implementation Set Style to ListViewItem and let ListViewItem stretch and fill in the horizontal direction: Then just set the center alignment for the Datatemplate of GridViewColumn. Example code <ListView x:Name=”_detectionListView” ItemsSource=”{Binding DetectionCheckList}” Background=”White” BorderThickness=”0″ ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility=”Disabled”> […]

ScrollView nested ListView or ExpandableListView has sliding conflicts and height calculation errors.

Problem description ScrollView nested ListView or ExpandableListView has sliding conflicts and height calculation errors. Cause analysis: 1. Android officially does not recommend sliding nesting. The sliding nesting system cannot determine which control the sliding event is triggered in. 2. When ScrollView nests ListView, there will also be a problem that ListView only displays one row. […]