Based on echarts, polygons are drawn in the rectangular coordinate system; colors are randomly generated; show-overflow-tooltip style is modified; formatting time; websocket is used; checkbox view is not updated when used in el-table

Based on echarts, draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system; randomly generate colors; modify the show-overflow-tooltip style

  • 1. Draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system based on echarts
    • 1.1Introduce echarts dependency into the project
    • 1.2Introduce echarts into the page
    • 1.3html code
    • 1.4js code
    • 1.5 Optimization, add fill style js code
  • 2. Randomly generate colors
    • 2.1 Code
  • 3. Modify show-overflow-tooltip style
    • 3.1html code
    • 3.2css code
    • 3.3js code
  • 4.Format time
    • 4.1js code
  • 4.Basic use of websocket
    • 4.1js code
  • 5. The problem of using el-checkbox view in el-table is not updated
    • 5.1html code
    • 5.2js code

1. Based on echarts, draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system

1.1 Introduce echarts dependency into the project

npm install echarts –save

1.2 Introduce echarts into the page

import * as echarts from 'echarts'

1.3html code

<div id="showEchart" style="width: 400px; height: 400px"></div>

1.4js code

/*Initialize echarts*/
    initEchart() {<!-- -->
      const startValueX = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][1] - 1 : -180
      const EndValueX = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][7] + 1 : 180
      const startValueY = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][2] - 1 : -90
      const EndValueY = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][8] + 1 : 90
      let chartDom = document.getElementById('showEchart');
      let myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
      let option;
      const data = this.echartShowData;
      option = {<!-- -->
        // tooltip: {},
        //Scroll the mouse to zoom the coordinate system
        dataZoom: [
          {<!-- -->
            type: 'inside',
            xAxisIndex: [0],
            startValue: startValueX,
            endValue: EndValueX
          {<!-- -->
            type: 'inside',
            yAxisIndex: [0],
            startValue: startValueY,
            endValue: EndValueY
        grid: {<!-- -->
          Bottom: 80
        xAxis: {<!-- -->
          min: -180,
          max: 180,
          name: 'Longitude',
          nameTextStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000'
          axisLabel: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000' //Tick mark label color
          //Modify the tick mark style in the coordinate system
          splitLine:{<!-- -->
            // show:false
            lineStyle:{<!-- -->
          lineStyle:{<!-- -->
        yAxis: {<!-- -->
          min: -90,
          max: 90,
          name: 'Latitude',
          nameTextStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000'
          axisLabel: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000' //Tick mark label color
          splitLine:{<!-- -->
            // show:false
            lineStyle:{<!-- -->
          lineStyle:{<!-- -->
        series: [
          {<!-- -->
            type: 'custom',
            renderItem: function (params, api) {<!-- -->
              const group = {<!-- -->
                type: 'group',
                children: []
              let coordDims = ['x', 'y'];
              for (let baseDimIdx = 0; baseDimIdx < 1; baseDimIdx + + ) {<!-- -->
                let otherDimIdx = 1 - baseDimIdx;
                let encode = params.encode;
                // console.log(encode);
                let baseValue = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][0]);
                let param = [];
                param[baseDimIdx] = baseValue;
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][0]);
                let point1 = api.coord(param);
                param[baseDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][1]);
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][1]);
                let point2 = api.coord(param);
                param[baseDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][2]);
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][2]);
                let point3 = api.coord(param);
                param[baseDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][3]);
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][3]);
                let point4 = api.coord(param);
                let style ={<!-- -->
                  stroke: api.value(0),
                  fill: undefined
                    {<!-- -->
                      type: 'line',
                      transition: ['shape'],
                      shape: makeShape(
                      style: style
                    {<!-- -->
                      type: 'line',
                      transition: ['shape'],
                      shape: makeShape(
                      style: style
                    {<!-- -->
                      type: 'line',
                      transition: ['shape'],
                      shape: makeShape(
                      style: style
                    {<!-- -->
                      type: 'line',
                      transition: ['shape'],
                      shape: makeShape(
                      style: style
              function makeShape(baseDimIdx, base1, value1, base2, value2) {<!-- -->
                let shape = {<!-- -->};
                shape[coordDims[baseDimIdx] + '1'] = base1;
                shape[coordDims[1 - baseDimIdx] + '1'] = value1;
                shape[coordDims[baseDimIdx] + '2'] = base2;
                shape[coordDims[1 - baseDimIdx] + '2'] = value2;
                return shape;
              return group;
            encode: {<!-- -->
              x: [1, 3, 5, 7],
              y: [2, 4, 6, 8],
              itemName: 0
            data: data,
            z: 100
      option & amp; & amp; myChart.setOption(option);

1.5 optimization, add fill style js code

/*Initialize echarts*/
    initEchart() {<!-- -->
      const startValueX = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][1] - 1 : -180
      const EndValueX = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][7] + 1 : 180
      const startValueY = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][2] - 1 : -90
      const EndValueY = this.echartShowData.length > 0 ? this.echartShowData[this.echartShowData.length-1][8] + 1 : 90
      let chartDom = document.getElementById('showEchart');
      let myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
      let option;
      const data = this.echartShowData;
      option = {<!-- -->
        // tooltip: {},
        //Scroll the mouse to zoom the coordinate system
        dataZoom: [
          {<!-- -->
            type: 'inside',
            xAxisIndex: [0],
            startValue: startValueX,
            endValue: EndValueX
          {<!-- -->
            type: 'inside',
            yAxisIndex: [0],
            startValue: startValueY,
            endValue: EndValueY
        grid: {<!-- -->
          Bottom: 80
        xAxis: {<!-- -->
          min: -180,
          max: 180,
          name: 'Longitude',
          nameTextStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000'
          axisLabel: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000' //Tick mark label color
          //Modify the tick mark style in the coordinate system
          splitLine:{<!-- -->
            // show:false
            lineStyle:{<!-- -->
          lineStyle:{<!-- -->
        yAxis: {<!-- -->
          min: -90,
          max: 90,
          name: 'Latitude',
          nameTextStyle: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000'
          axisLabel: {<!-- -->
            color: '#000' //Tick mark label color
          splitLine:{<!-- -->
            // show:false
            lineStyle:{<!-- -->
          lineStyle:{<!-- -->
        series: [
          {<!-- -->
            type: 'custom',
            renderItem: function (params, api) {<!-- -->
              const group = {<!-- -->
                type: 'group',
                children: []
              let coordDims = ['x', 'y'];
              for (let baseDimIdx = 0; baseDimIdx < 1; baseDimIdx + + ) {<!-- -->
                let otherDimIdx = 1 - baseDimIdx;
                let encode = params.encode;
                // console.log(encode);
                let baseValue = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][0]);
                let param = [];
                param[baseDimIdx] = baseValue;
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][0]);
                let point1 = api.coord(param);
                param[baseDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][1]);
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][1]);
                let point2 = api.coord(param);
                param[baseDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][2]);
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][2]);
                let point3 = api.coord(param);
                param[baseDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[baseDimIdx]][3]);
                param[otherDimIdx] = api.value(encode[coordDims[otherDimIdx]][3]);
                let point4 = api.coord(param);
                let style ={<!-- -->
                  stroke: api.value(0),
                  fill: api.value(0)==='#000'?'':api.value(0),
                  opacity: 1,
                    {<!-- -->
                      type: 'polygon',
                      transition: ['shape'],
                      shape: {<!-- -->
                        points:[[point1[baseDimIdx],point1[otherDimIdx]],[point2[baseDimIdx],point2[otherDimIdx]],[point3[baseDimIdx],point3[otherDimIdx]],[point4[baseDimIdx],point4[otherDimIdx]] ]
                      style: style,
              return group;
            encode: {<!-- -->
              x: [1, 3, 5, 7],
              y: [2, 4, 6, 8],
              itemName: 0
            data: data,
            z: 100
      option & amp; & amp; myChart.setOption(option);

2. Randomly generate colors

2.1 code

 /*Randomly generate colors*/
    rgb() {<!-- -->
      const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)
      const g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)
      const b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)
      return `rgb(${<!-- -->r},${<!-- -->g},${<!-- -->b})`

3. Modify show-overflow-tooltip style

3.1html code

<el-table :data="data" :max-height="0.42*height" tooltip-effect="dark myshowT">
      prop="content" label="label" min-width="120"align="center" show-overflow-tooltip>

3.2css code

.myshowT{<!-- -->
  width: 180px;

3.3js code

export default {<!-- -->
  data() {<!-- -->
    return {<!-- -->
      height: innerHeight, //used for adaptive page height

4.Formatting time

4.1js code

 /*Format time*/
    formatDate(cellValue) {<!-- -->
      if (cellValue === null || cellValue === "") return "";
      let date = new Date(cellValue)
      let year = date.getFullYear()
      let month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1
      let day = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate()
      let hours = date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours()
      let minutes = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()
      let seconds = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds()
      return year + '/' + month + '/' + day + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + ''

4.Basic use of websocket

4.1js code

methods:{<!-- -->
   /* webSocket method */
    init: function () {<!-- -->
      if (typeof (WebSocket) === 'undefined') {<!-- -->
        alert('Your browser does not support socket')
      } else {<!-- -->
        // Instantiate socket
        this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/ws/url')
        //Listen to socket connection
        this.socket.onopen = this.openMsg
        // Listen for socket error messages
        this.socket.onerror = this.error
        //Listen to socket messages
        this.socket.onmessage = this.getMessage
        //Listen for disconnection
        this.socket.onclose = this.close
    //connection succeeded
    openMsg: function () {<!-- -->
      this.$notify({<!-- -->
        title: 'Success',
        message: 'socket connection successful',
        type: 'success'
    //Connection failed
    error: function () {<!-- -->
      this.$notify.error({<!-- -->
        title: 'Error',
        message: 'socket connection error'
      setTimeout(() => {<!-- -->
      }, 30000)
    //Receive messages sent in the background
    getMessage: function (msg) {<!-- -->
    //User sends message
    send: function (data) {<!-- -->
      /*send data*/
    close: function () {<!-- -->
      /*Close connection*/
 beforeDestroy() {<!-- -->

5. Problem that the el-checkbox view does not update when used in el-table

5.1html code

        <template slot="header">
          <el-checkbox :checked="checkedF" @change="getCheckedS"

5.2js code

export default {<!-- -->
  data() {<!-- -->
    return {<!-- -->
      checkedF: false,
  methods: {<!-- -->
    getCheckedS(val1) {<!-- -->
      this.checkedF = val1
      console.log('checked:', this.checkedF)