04-Echarts simplified series: Cartesian coordinate system xAxis and yAxis

For the X-axis and Y-axis in the graph, there are at most two x-axes in a grid. More than two axes need to be configured through the offset property.

1. xAxis and yAxis attribute configuration of coordinate system

            id:'1', //Component ID
            show:true, //Whether to display the x/y axis
            gridIndex:0, //The index of the grid where the x/y axis is located, the default is the first grid, and the index starts from 0
            alignTicks:true, // Configure automatic alignment of ticks when using multiple axis degrees
            position:'top' // The position of the coordinate axis
            offset:50, // offset of coordinate axis
            type:'category', // Axis type
            name:'X/Y axis', // Axis name
            nameLocation:'end', //The location of the axis name
            //Axis name style
                color:'red', //text color
                fontStyle:'normal', //Font style
                fontWeight:'normal', //Font weight
                fontSize:12, //font size
                align:'left', //font horizontal alignment
                verticalAlign:'top', //Vertical alignment
                lineHeight:10, //line height
                backgroundColor:'red', //text block background color, you can use pictures
                borderColor:'red', //text block border color
                borderWidth:5, //text block border width
                borderType:'solid', //text block stroke
                borderDashOffset:10, //The offset when the stroke is a dotted line
                borderRadius:10, //Text block rounded corners
                padding:[5,5,5,5], //text block inner margin
                shadowColor:'red', //text block shadow color
                shadowBlur:10, //Shadow degree
                shadowOffsetX:10, //The offset of the shadow in the horizontal direction
                shadowOffsetY:10, //The offset of the shadow in the vertical direction
                width:50, //Text display width
                height:50, //text display height
                textBorderColor:'red', //Stroke color of text
                textBorderWidth:10, //stroke width
                textBorderType:'solid', //stroke type
                textBorderDashOffset:10,//dotted line offset
                textShadowColor:'red', //Shadow color of text
                textShadowBlur:10, //text shadow length
                textShadowOffsetX:10, //Text shadow horizontal offset
                textShadowPffsetY:10, //vertical offset of text shadow
                overflow:'none', //Whether the text exceeds the width and is truncated or wrapped?
                ellipsis:'···', //When the text exceeds truncation, the content displayed at the end
                // Set the rich style of the axis name box
                    //The text style here takes precedence over the above configuration, and is the same as the configuration included in nameTextStyle above.
                    color:'red', //font color
                    fontStyle: "italic", //Font style
                    fontWeight: 'normal', //Font weight
                    fontSize:12, //font size
                    align:'left', //font horizontal alignment
                    verticalAlign:'top', //Vertical alignment
                    lineHeight:10, //line height
            nameGap:15, //The distance between the coordinate axis name and the coordinate axis
            nameRotate:true, //Rotation angle of coordinate axis name
            inverse:true, //Whether the coordinate axis is reversed
            boundaryGap:true, //The gap on both sides of the coordinate axis
            //The following only works for numerical values
            min:10, //Set the minimum value of the coordinate axis scale
            max:150, //Set the maximum value of the coordinate axis scale
            scale:true, //Whether the scale requires 0 scale
            splitNumber:5, //The number of segments divided by the coordinate axis
            maxInterval:50, //Maximum interval value of coordinate axis
            interval:50, //Force limit the axis interval value
            logBase:10, //The base of the logarithmic axis, only valid in the logarithmic axis (type: 'log').
            silent:true, //Whether the coordinate axis is static and cannot be interacted with
            triggerEvent:true, //Whether the axis label responds and triggers mouse events, it does not respond by default.
            //Axis related settings
                show:true, //Whether to display the coordinate axis line
                onZero:true, //Whether the axis is on the 0 scale of another axis
                onZeroAxisIndex:10, //When there are two axes, set which 0 scale to start from
                symbol: ['circle','circle'], //The shapes on both sides of the axis can be pictures
                symbolSize:[10,10], //Shape size on both sides of the axis
                symbolOffset:[10,10], //Shape offset on both sides of the axis
                //The style of the coordinate axis axis
                lineStyle: {
                    color:'red', //The color of the axis
                    width:5, //The width of the axis
                    type:'solid', //axis type
                    dashOffset:10, //When the axis is a dotted line, the offset of the dotted line
                    cap:'butt', //The shape of the end of the line segment
                    join:'bevel', //The shape of the connected parts of the line segments
                    miterLimit:10, //When join is miter, set the slope limit ratio
                    shadowBlur:50, //The shadow size of the axis
                    shadowColor:'red', //Shadow color
                    shadowOffsetX:10, //The offset of the shadow in the horizontal direction
                    shadowOffsetY:10, //The offset of the shadow in the vertical direction
                    opacity:0.5, //axis transparency
            // Axis scale related settings
                show:true, //Whether the axis scale is displayed
                alignWithLabel:true, //Whether the tick mark is aligned with the label
                interval:'auto', //Set to 1, indicating that every other label is displayed.
                inside:true, //The direction of the tick mark is inward or outward
                length:10, //coordinate axis scale length
                    color:'red', //The color of the line
                    width:5, //Width of line
                    type:'solid', //Line type
                    dashOffset:10, //When the line is a dotted line, the offset of the dotted line
                    cap:'butt', //The shape of the end of the line segment
                    join:'bevel', //The shape of the connected parts of the line segments
                    miterLimit:10, //When join is miter, set the slope limit ratio
                    shadowBlur:50, //The shadow size of the line
                    shadowColor:'red', //Shadow color
                    shadowOffsetX:10, //The offset of the shadow in the horizontal direction
                    shadowOffsetY:10, //The offset of the shadow in the vertical direction
                    opacity:0.5, //Line transparency
            //minor tick mark
                show:true, //Whether to display sub-scales
                splitNumber:10, //The number of sub-tick divisions
                length:5, //The length of the minor tick mark
                //Line style
                    // Same as lineStyle above...
            // tick labels
                show:true, //Whether to display tick labels
                interval:auto, //label interval
                inside:true, //label facing inside or outside
                rotate:80, //label rotation angle
                margin:10, //The distance between the scale label and the axis
                formater:funtion(value,index){ //Tag content formatting
                    return 'Tag name:' + value;
                showMinLabel:true, //Whether to display the label of the minimum value
                showMaxLabel:true, //Whether to display the label of the maximum value
                hideOverLap:true, //Whether to hide overlapping labels
                //Label font style, content is consistent with nameTextStyle
                color:'red', //font color
                fontStyle:'normal', //Font style
            // Axis dividing line
                show:true, //Whether to display the dividing line
                interval:1, //The value is 2, indicating that one label is displayed every two labels.
                //Line style
                    // Same as lineStyle above...
            //The dividing line of the minor tick mark
                //Line style
                    // Same as lineStyle above...
            // Split areas are used to decorate graphics and can be used to make stripes similar to zebra crossings.
                interval:'auto', //Display the number of intervals
                show:true, //Whether to display the separated area
                //The style of the divided area
                    color:'red', //The color of the divided area
                    shoedowBlur:10, //area shadow degree
                    shadowColor:'red',//shadow color
                    shadowOffsetX:10, // The offset of the shadow in the horizontal direction
                    shadowOffsetY:10, // The offset of the shadow in the vertical direction
                    opacity:0.5, //Transparency
            //Data, and individual configuration of data styles
                value:'value one',
                //The text style is the same as the axis name style nameTextStyle above.
                    color:'red', // ···Original
                  value:'value two',
                  //The text style is the same as the axis name style nameTextStyle above.
                    color:'red', // ···Original
            // Axis indicator configuration item. This configuration item can refer to the indicator coordinate configuration in the previous article. It is exactly the same and can be copied directly.
                 // ··· slightly             
            //Data loading animation configuration
            animation:true, //Whether to enable data loading animation
            animationThreshold:100, //animation threshold
            animationDuration:100, //The duration of the initial animation
            animationEasing:'linear', //Animation type
            animationDelay:200, //Initial animation delay
            animationDurationUpdate:100, //The duration of the data update animation
            animationEasingUpdate:100, //Update animation cache effect
            animationDelayUpdate:100, //Delay to update animation
            zlevel:1, // The zlevel value of all graphics on this axis. This is the priority of graphics display.
            z:1, // The z value of all graphics on this axis z is the priority of drawing graphics

2. Anatomy diagram

3. Basic examples of using rich text in title names

    xAxis: [
suffix}', //Use a text style and b text style
    type: 'category',
    boundaryGap: false,
        a:{ // a text style object
            color: 'red', // text color
            fontSize: 18, // overall size
            fontWeight: 'bold', // font width
            lineHeight: 30, // line height
            backgroundColor: { // background color
              image: 'https://hao2.qhimg.com/t014d87a11b2845786e.webp' //Background image path
            padding: [0, 10, 0, 0] //Control the distance between "prefix" and "suffix" //Padding
        b: { // b text style object
            color: 'blue',
            fontSize: 14,
            fontWeight: 'normal',
            lineHeight: 20,
            backgroundColor: {
              image: 'https://hao2.qhimg.com/t0152d7129cdb9f6e60.webp'

