Linear regression predicts Boston housing prices & the reason for loss is NAN & draws a scatter plot to find the relationship between features and labels

Boston house price csv file Link: Extraction code: vufb Code %matplotlib inline import random import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch Get the data set from CSV # Load data, the first line is a useless line, skip it directly boston = pd.read_csv(‘../data/boston_house_prices.csv’,skiprows=[0]) # There […]

echart implements map exploration and displays scatter plots

Introduction: Realize provincial level (Henan as an example) exploration and display scattered points while the data remains unchanged. Completed picture: 1. Prepare map geoJSON, DataV.GeoAtlas geographic gadget series Create a tool function: introduce all the files in the directory, pass in the place name and return the geoJson of the place (dynamic references are used […]

Draw 3D scatter plot edge plot based on Matlab (welfare)

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization […]

Follow the official publication of Nature to learn graphing | Dual-axis columnar + polyline scatter plot!

Article Directory Reproduce picture Set the working path and load related R packages Read the data set data visualization Calculate mean and standard deviation Visualization process Follow the “Nature” official publication to learn graphing, and today I reproduce a dual-axis graph in the Nature article – a grouped histogram on the left and a line […]

Learn to draw with Nature Communications: R language ggplot2 scatter point combination error bar displays response ratio (Response ratio)

paper Meta-analysis of the impacts of global change factors on soil microbial diversity and functionality The paper provides data and code, which is a good learning material. This paper is a message from a reader of the public account, saying that this paper provides data and code, but the code is relatively long and […]

Use matplotlib to draw simple charts (line charts, column charts, bar charts, stacked area charts, histograms, pie charts, scatter plots, box plots, radar charts, error bar charts)

Line chart #Example 1: Draw a line chart plot() – the highest and lowest temperatures in Beijing in the next 15 days #First import the pyplot module and numpy module in the matplotlib library import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #Create a Figure class object fig representing the canvas and add a drawing […]

① GPT error: Failed to draw scatter plots, curve graphs, line graphs and donut graphs, and failed to save the image when setting the number of iterations and progress.

Error? Enter settings separately (I want to know the power of calculus) Suppose there is a person who has 3 plans every day, making progress one thousandth, one thousandth, one hundred thousandth every day until they iterate 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 9000 times, where do they draw the curve in the picture? graph, […]