Learn to draw with Nature Communications: R language ggplot2 scatter point combination error bar displays response ratio (Response ratio)

paper Meta-analysis of the impacts of global change factors on soil microbial diversity and functionality https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16881-7#Sec15 The paper provides data and code, which is a good learning material. This paper is a message from a reader of the public account, saying that this paper provides data and code, but the code is relatively long and […]

! ! ! ggplot four seasons, segmented absolute values, plots, beautiful

# Low resolution drawing # install.packages(“scico”) # library(gcookbook) # library(ggplot2) # library(scico) library(tidyverse) library(sf) library(raster) library(terra) library(dplyr) library(ggspatial) library(ggnewscale) library(ggplot2) library(showtext) #Configure font showtext_auto(enable = TRUE) font_add(“times”, regular = “times.ttf”, bold =”timesbd.ttf”, italic=”timesbi.ttf”, bolditalic=”timesi.ttf” ) cnfont <- “times” # China maps usually use this coordinate system mycrs <- ” + proj=aea + lat_0=0 + lon_0=105 […]

GPL, MIT, Apache… This article explains the differences between open source protocols

Directory 1. GPL, MIT, Apache… This article explains the differences between open source protocols 1.1. GPL-mandatory open source-linux 1.2. LGPL-allowing companies to sell GPL for money-Qt 1.3. MIT-a loose protocol popular with companies-vue 1.4. BSD-Don’t use my reputation for publicity! 1.5. Apache-Strengthening Legal Propaganda-PaddlePaddle 1.6. WTFPL-a weird protocol that I don’t even dare to write […]

R language ggplot 2 and other graphics

The article and code have been archived in [Github repository: https://github.com/timerring/dive-into-AI] or the public account [AIShareLab] can also be obtained by replying to R Language. Article directory 1. First introduction to the ggplot2 package 2. Characteristics of distribution 3. The composition of proportion 4. Use the function ggsave() to save the graph 2. Other graphics […]

pygplates column – Sample code – Rotation

pygplates column–Sample code–Rotation Hierarchy of plate rotations sample code plate circuits to anchored plate sample code modify a reconstruction pole sample code Hierarchy of plate rotations This example iterates through the plate motion hierarchy (at a particular rebuild time) and outputs each plate’s sibling and associated motion trajectories Example code import pygplates # Custom function: […]

pygplates column – Sample code – Query feature types

pygplates column–Sample code–Query feature types Query feature types Query coastline feature sample code Query isochron feature sample code Query mid-ocean ridge feature sample code Query subduction zone features example code Query virtual geomagnetic polarity features sample code Query the characteristics of the moving track sample code Query flowline feature sample code Query the full reconstructed […]

pygplates column – Sample code – Create features (new/query features)

pygplates column–Sample code–Create/Query features (new/query features) Create features Create new common feature types Create a coastline feature from current geometry sample code Detailed explanation backup method Advanced Create an isochrone feature from geometry from past geological periods sample code Detailed explanation warn Create a mid-ocean ridge feature from geometry from past geological periods sample code […]

pygplates column – Getting started

pygplates column – Getting started Install pyGPlates Install via conda Install from precompiled binaries Install from source installation documentation tutorial What are functions and classes? function kind pyGPlates introductory script source code setup script This document covers pyGPlates installation and tutorials to get you started with pyGPlates. Install pyGPlates This section covers several ways to […]