[[FIFO to BRAM IP interconnection, that is, AXIstream is transferred to the verilog code on BRAM]]

FIFO to BRAM IP interconnection, that is, AXIstream is transferred to the verilog code on BRAM control.v module control #( parameter TDATA_WIDTH = 32 , parameter BRAM_A_ADDR_WIDTH = 15 , parameter BRAM_din_WIDTH = 32 , parameter BRAM_B_ADDR_WIDTH = 15 )( input [TDATA_WIDTH – 1 : 0] tdata , input tvaild, input sys_clk, input sys_rst_n , […]

c++11 standard template (STL) (std::basic_istream) (eight)

Defined in the header file <istream> template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits > class basic_istream : virtual public std::basic_ios The class template basic_istream provides high-level input support over character streams. Supported operations include formatted input (such as integer values or whitespace-separated characters and strings) and unformatted input (such as raw characters and character arrays). […]