[Signal Denoising] Optimizing variational mode decomposition SCSSA-VMD based on fused sine-cosine and Cauchy mutation sparrow algorithm to achieve signal denoising with Matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization […]

Flume construction and installation When uploading HDFS web pages, the connection was refused…Trying::1…telnet: connect to address::1: Connection refused

Table of Contents 1. Flume 1.Features of Flume: 2. What can Flume do? 3. Flume collection and storage 4. Flume’s three major components 5. Flume official website connection Chinese version 2. Install Flume (1) Upload and decompress the software package (2) Configure environment variables 3. Test Flume (1) Edit the Flume configuration file and start […]

Using CodeFuse in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor among programmers and occupies a mainstream position in front-end development and various scripting language development. CodeFuse intelligent R&D assistant has specially developed a plug-in for VS Code. You can use CodeFuse as long as the plug-in is installed. Various functions provided, let’s take a look at how […]

diffusers-Understanding models and schedulers

https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/using-diffusers/write_own_pipelinehttps://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/using-diffusers/write_own_pipelinediffusers There are 3 modules: diffusion pipelines, noise schedulers, model. This library is very good, and its design ideas are comparable to those of the mmlab series. The mm series generation algorithm is in mmagic, but it is not as rich as diffusers. Furthermore, almost all new algorithm training and reasoning will use the standard […]

[Diffusion Model] HuggingFace Diffusers in practice

HuggingFace Diffusers in action 1. Environment preparation 2.DreamBooth 2.1 Introduction to Stable Diffusion 2.2 DreamBooth 3. Diffusers core API 4. Practical combat: Generate beautiful butterfly images 4.1 Download dataset 4.2 Scheduler 4.3 Define diffusion model 4.4 Create a diffusion model training loop 4.5 Image generation Method 1. Create a pipeline Method 2. Write a sampling […]

[Zero to One Series] Microservice Hystrix fuse integration

Previous review: [Zero to One Series] springcloud microservices integrate nacos to form a distributed system 1. hystrix dependency package First, introduce hystrix-related dependency packages. The version should correspond to the one in the project. I use the default version directly here. <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-netflix-hystrix</artifactId> </dependency> Then, the microservices demonstrated are still taking the two sub-modules […]

Kalman filter fuses six-axis IMU data

Kalman filter Kalman filter is a commonly used state estimation method. Its basic principle is to optimally estimate the system state. The main idea is to divide the state of the system into a priori state and a posteriori state, and obtain the optimal estimated state by weighting the a priori state and the observed […]

Sentinel current limiting fuse integrates OpenFeign components

Principle address: Principle explanation address Service circuit breaker and current limiting 1. Circuit breaker downgrade Note: Hystrix and sentinel are currently popular circuit breaker degradation components. The following is a function comparison chart: Service circuit breaker steps: Sentinel’s separate circuit breaker downgrade will not be described in detail. Here is the integrated circuit breaker implementation […]

Refuse to be cumbersome, SpringBoot interceptor and unified function processing

Foreword Spring AOP is a framework based on aspect-oriented programming, which is used to separate cross-cutting concerns (such as logging, transaction management) from business logic, and weave these concerns into the target object’s methods before and after execution and throw through proxy objects. Executed at specific locations such as when an exception occurs or results […]